Friday, July 1, 2016

Max is 3!

Max is 3! You guys! Can you believe that?? Time is going by so fast! He's still supposed to be a baby. We had a construction party for him and I just have to say it rocked. I planned a great party! :) 

It was so fun! But it's all thanks to pinterest. Cause if I didn't have that I have no clue what I would do... haha 

-He can count to 3 
-He knows some shapes
-He loves being outside
-He loves to tease
-He's so much better with people ever since Hazel was born
-He loves any type of truck and gets excited whenever he sees one 
-He's getting way better at bathtime
-He loves giving hugs and kisses (especially "fart" kisses. Daniel taught him that one... haha)
-isn't potty trained yet. Tried but he's not ready. 
-loves going to nursery
-loves bubbles
-loves books
-still working on trying new foods. 

He's so fun and I can't believe he's 3. Time can slow down now...