Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011! Hello 2012!

So, it's almost 2012! It's so crazy how fast this year went! This year was probably my favorite year. Cuz so much has happened! (Okay, mostly because of Daniel... but still! :) hehe) But really, this year has been my favorite year so far. 

-Had a "year of no liking guys" party where I met Daniel (When I met him, I didn't think of anything about him. I never thought we would click and hang out and get married.) 

-Held hands for the first time with Daniel. (well okay that's a lie. I held hands with about 3 other guys before him but they were players... so it doesn't count.) :) 

-Had my first kiss ever. Honestly I wasn't expecting it, we were just talking and he then told me he liked me a lot. I was like, oh my gosh, really??? (well, I kind of knew cuz we were cuddling all the time and holding hands... but that's besides the point) and we were talking and it dawned on me that I haven't been kissed so I was like "um, will you believe me if I told you I've never been kissed?" He's like "Really? That surprises me! What if I was your first?" awww! How cute is that??? So I was like umm... okay (I was a little nervous cuz ya know, it was my first kiss! So he kissed me and at first I was like that was it? and then I was like.. Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! I got my first kiss!!! hehehe! :) 

-Daniel became my first boyfriend ever too. It was the day before Valentine's Day too! How cute is that?? :) 

-almost 4 months later, he proposed to me. :) 

-6 months later in the Idaho Falls LDS temple we became Husband and Wife. 

This year has been a year of firsts. :) and I love it. I'm excited to see what's in store for us in the upcoming year. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I had the most amazing Honeymoon ever!!! Went to the Maaco Bowl , met most of Daniel's family in Arizona, and flew in a helicopter! It was SOOOO fun! 

Thursday the 22nd: 
Daniel wanted to leave at 4 in the morning (it takes 10 hours to get to Vegas) including the time change so it was still 10 hours but still... and the game started at 5 Vegas time. So I was a little worried we wouldn't make it cuz if we ran into traffic or snow, ya know? so anyways, we got up at 4:30 and didn't leave the house till 5. and... well I slept the whole way. well sorta, I woke up about every hour because one of my body parts fell asleep. It was really annoying. So anyways, We got there at 3, right on time. It was really impressive, got into the hotel room, and then walked to the stadium. It was only a 20 minute walk so that was good. We didn't want to pay 10 dollars for parking. So we got to the stadium, and realized we were sitting really close to the field! We were 5 rows up! It was sooo cool! oh and they won, which wasn't a big surprise cuz we are awesome. I don't know what I'm gonna do because it was Kellen Moore's last game, I want to cry. haha hopefully he makes it into the NFL! If not, well... I guess I don't know what I'm gonna do. lol anyways, Boise State won, and the seniors won a total of 50 games and lost 3. It's pretty impressive. I'm honored to be apart of Bronco Nation. :) 

Friday the 23rd: 
We slept in, had lunch and got on the road to head to Arizona but then I saw a sign that said "Helicopter ride $29" So I was like that would be fun!! so we checked it out but it said it was all sold out, so I was a little bummed. but he said we might do it later when we come back from Arizona. So I was like hope so!! It would be fun!! Then, like 2 seconds later, we stopped at the Hoover Dam! That was sooo cool!! This is a view from the bridge. it was soo cool! Then we went on our way to Mesa. 

We got to the Hotel around 8 that night and settled in, got dominos and watched TV and then went to bed. 

Saturday the 24th: Christmas Eve! 
Got up and waited for Daniel's parents to pick us up to go to Daniel's grandparents condo to swim. I kinda wanted to swim but I didn't really want to get my hair wet, so we just hung out with his parents and Jen. That was fun, then everyone got out of the pool and while the parents were getting the food ready we visited the family and got to know them. It was pretty fun! then we ate Christmas Eve lunch. It was so fun getting to know his family. Later that night for Christmas Dinner we ended up going to Panda Express. Oh my heck, I've been craving that for like 6 months. It was so good. :)  

Sunday the 25th: Christmas Day! 
So, we got up to go to Sacrament Meeting for Christmas but Daniel's pants didn't fit so we ended up not going. :( It made me sad, but oh well. what can you do? I know, BUY NEW ONES! :) Good thing he told me he would buy some new ones before Sunday. :) Anyways, we just hung out in the hotel room before his parents picked us up to eat and every restaurant seemed to be closed! Weird for Christmas, right? ;) haha so we ended up going to Jack in the Box. Weird . :) Anyways, We all got to go to the Mesa Temple visitor's center. His grandparents are serving a service mission there so all the family got to have a tour before the Visitor's center even opened. it was so fun! We watched a video about family's being together for eternity. It was so great sitting by my husband watching that video. I knew I would be with him for eternity. It was a neat experience. :) Then we all took pictures in front of the Christus. Then Me and Daniel and his parents and aunt and cousin went into a room and watched a Joseph Smith movie. It was so great. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a great Christmas. 

Monday the 26th: 
We got up drove to Hoover dam again by the Helicopter rides and got in line and about half an hour later the guy says "we have 2 more tickets!" and we were right at the window when he said that, it was a little weird, but I was sooo excited!!! We got into the Helicopter and I was a little nervous! which was a little weird because I've been in an airplane. haha so we waited a little while longer and it was finally our turn! Oh my heck it was so fun!! it went over the Hoover Dam, and a lake. it was sooo fun. 

After, we went into a hotel and had a lunch buffet. It was so yummy, then we headed for home. We didn't stop. He just kept driving. We got home at 4:00 this morning! Yeah, my husband is crazy. He didn't want to stop at a hotel, cuz he wasn't tired! But, we made it home safely. :) This week was so fun. (I know, I have said that like a million times, but I can say it again. IT WAS A GREAT WEEK/WEEKEND! :) Thanks babe for the greatest honeymoon ever! :) Love you!!! 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Officially a Romrell

So, apparently you can't just automatically change your last name right when you get married. Lame, right? I thought so. I had to do it myself! (that might make me sound really lazy. But oh well. cuz I am. :) haha) so today I went into the Social Security Office expecting it to be like an hour long process, but it was only like 5 minutes. It was awesome. I just had to tell them I got married and I needed to change my last name. Easy! It was sweet. So now, I'm officially Emily Alyse Romrell. No longer Johnson. It's so crazy! But I like it. :) Cuz that means I am officially Daniel's wife. ;) haha okay not really, but sorta. 

I then went to change my name on my Driver's license. I was in there for about 5 minutes too. I like places that take short time. It makes me happy. 

oh! and tomorrow is my reception in Kuna. I am so stoked for that. I hope a lot of people show up for that one! I am so paranoid and think there won't be anyone there, but we'll see. :) 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


So this will be a random post, but I'm super bored. So it will be most likely boring. haha 

So next Wednesday we leave for Vegas. We're gonna stop in Utah and stay at my grandma's for the night so we don't have to drive a million hours in a row. Cuz I hate long road trips as it is as you might know. :) anyways, We'll be stopping in Utah in West Valley for the night at my grandma's house. Then we'll be leaving the next day for Vegas. We'll be going to the Maaco Bowl (I AM SOOOO EXCITED FOR THAT GAME!) and then sleep in Vegas for the night in a CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP hotel. Cuz we aren't that rich. But I guess paying for hotels in Vegas isn't that expensive... cuz it's Vegas and people gamble all the freakin time. lol  

Then the next day on the 23rd we are driving to Mesa, Arizona for his family reunion. I am so excited to meet the rest of his family. It will be a great 3-4 days. :) I can't wait for it. The whole trip is basically is my honeymoon. I am sooo excited!! 

Oh, did I mention that my sister is coming home in 2 days for Christmas break? I'M SO GOSH DARN EXCITED! that's all. :) 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Welp, it's official.

I have the greatest husband ever. that's all. :) but seriously, he's so great. a couple weeks ago, he told me that since we won't be here for Christmas, (We'll be in Arizona for his family reunion) that we won't get a tree so I was really sad and wasn't expecting to get a tree. But last night he told me he wouldn't be home till 6 so I thought that he was having a staff meeting or something so I was like okay, sounds good. then all of a sudden he calls me, I pick up assuming it was him... but it was my sister. I was super confused and then he pulled in the garage, and then all of a sudden my mom's car was there and then I saw my dad pull up in his truck I thought, what the heck is going on??? haha not that I didn't like seeing my parents I was just really confused. :) so then he came through the front door with a tree. Isn't he cute? But wait, there's more. :) 

a couple months ago we didn't know what we wanted to do for our honeymoon. He texted me saying "what if we waited to see where BSU goes for their bowl game? I thought that was the greatest idea he's ever had! I was so excited to see where they were headed. They are going to Las Vegas in case you didn't know. :) So, yesterday we were looking at prices and they were darn expensive. and we aren't that rich, keep in mind. But, last night he purchased tickets and I am SOOOOO excited!!! I can't wait! then the day after we are driving to Arizona for his family reunion and we are spending Christmas there. I am so excited to meet more of his family. It's gonna be a blast. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The day I married my best friend

Once upon a time in a land known as Idaho Falls, Idaho there was a girl that got married in the Idaho Falls LDS temple to her best friend. 

That's right people, that girl is ME!! I am finally married and it's sooo amazing! When people say they love married life, they weren't kidding! It's so fun. Let me tell you what happened. :) 

We got to Idaho Falls on Thursday, we drove to Rexburg to pick up my best friend/maid of honor who lives in Colorado and she came up for my wedding. Great friend. :) then we got to Daniel's sister's house and played some games. and I kept saying "so and so hours and minutes!" I might have driven the people crazy. then my sister needed a model of my bouquet so she could make a real one so we drove to the hotel, gave her the bouquet and then went back to the place where I was staying and Daniel went with his parents to stay with them. 

Friday: THE BIG DAY! This day I was extremely calm (well, I was trying to act calm, in my head I was like "OH MY GOSH! I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY TO MY BEST FRIEND!!" It was pretty impressive, I might say. haha so at about 10 I went to the hotel where my family was staying so my aunt could do my hair and makeup. that took about 2 hours, I was worried that I wouldn't make it to the temple on time. I get paranoid easily. haha 

anyways, after I got my hair and makeup done, Daniel and I went to the temple and split up for awhile while my mom helped me with my dress and we sat in there for awhile while people filled into the room where we were getting sealed. then the sealer came into where we were sitting and sat and talked to us for awhile. He then told us it's time to go get sealed and I was about to pass out. (Mostly cuz my mother tied my dress WAY too tight ) and because I was sooo excited. we got in there and I thought "this is real. I'm really getting married!!" 

The sealer gave his little speil and when he said "you may now kiss" I was like woah, I am married!!! This is so weird!" But I was so excited! After the sealing, We went our separate ways again while we took our temple clothes off over our wedding stuff. Then we went to the luncheon and the reception. The reception was so much fun. I loved it. all in all it was a perfect day. 

Then there's the wedding night. But, I will save you the trouble cuz there might be little kids reading this. You're welcome. 

So now, I'm married. and loving every minute of it. I'm excited to see where life takes us.

Love, Emily Romrell :) hehe