Saturday, January 24, 2015

Daniel and Emily's love story. The long version

So most or all of you know how me and my husband met but it's the best story ever so I will tell it again. ;) hehe but I'll tell the long version this time. :)  

At the end of 2009, I had a crush on a guy that was 11 months younger than me. He was one of those guys who I really liked being around and then sometimes he seemed like he really liked me and then another day it seemed like he didn't. I was getting really frustrated and just wanted to know how he was feeling, so on January 8th 2010 I finally broke down and got really tired of it and sent him a message on facebook and told him I liked him but he was giving me mixed signals and I just told him I just wanted to be friends. It was really nervewracking when I sent it. I was really scared how he would react. He wrote back and was like oh Emily I'm so sorry. I do like being around you and I am the type of person who is like that to a lot of people. or something like that. I don't remember exactly what he said but it was something along those lines. :) 

So after that I had the thought that I should go as long as I could not liking any guys and I was the type of person who liked guys every week so I thought there was no way I could do it. It became 1 month then 3 months. by this time I moved back home from Rexburg and got a job so I thought well I might like someone new here but then it got to 5 months then when I got to 7 months I told my friend JoAnna and she said if I make it a year I will throw you a party. That sounded a little silly to celebrate not liking guys but it sounded fun so I agreed! Then my best friend, Austin Wood, moved here from Idaho Falls to do Student teaching in January. and then I made it a year and I was so proud of myself. The day of my party came (January 22, 2011) and I invited Austin (a few weeks before) and he texted me that day and said he was bringing a friend and I thought nothing of it. That night I met Daniel at my "year of no liking guys" party. 

I met him and didn't really think anything of it because I was still in my don't like boys mode. but during the party I was sitting by Austin and he whispered to me "Daniel thinks you're cute." and I started noticing him more and realized he was really cute too. Austin had to leave and he came with Daniel so I was worried he had to leave too but someone said he could take him home so I got to know him more. He seemed like an awesome person and then the party was over and I went outside with him and he gave me a hug and said "mind if I get your number from Austin?" I know, strange right? haha but the next day he texted me and we talked for a little bit and then we didn't talk for a few days. 

I was in bed a few days later and I saw that he called and I missed it and I texted him the next day and said oh hey sorry I missed you did you need something? He texted back and said Oh I just wanted to do the old fashion talking and just call. (isn't that adorable??!) then  I texted him a few hours later and said I'm not good at math, wanna come over and help me? ;) like a joke right? and he texted back and said I'm good at math, I'd love to come help!! I was so surprised! He came over and helped me and then it was getting late so we watched the news with my parents and then they said they were going to bed. As soon as they closed their door, he grabbed my hand and held it while we talked. (okay it was close to his while we were talking to my parents... but still. haha) I had no idea that would happen. the next day we went on our unoffical first date. I call it an unoffical date because it lasted only like 45ish minutes and I had to pick up my sister from dance. After I picked up my sister he called me and asked if I would go to Idaho Falls in a couple weeks and I wasn't sure cuz I just barely met him 5 days before. After I got off the phone my sister just smiled and said something like he likes you. (I don't remember but it was something like that...haha) 
January 29th we went to a party of his friends and everyone kept asking how long we've been dating. It was a little awkward since we just met a week before but I guess they thought we were since we were cuddling and holding hands. Haha we moved really fast. 
We went to Rexburg February 5th and saw his sisters and their mom. (sisters mom. Him and his sisters got adopted by 2 different families) and then they all went to bed and we started talking and we were saying we liked each other. Then all of a sudden I said, would you believe me if I told you I've never been kissed? He looked at me surprised and said "really?! That surprises me! Well what if I was the first?" I almost died right there. It was so sweet of him to ask! So I was really nervous and then he kissed me and at first I didn't feel anything... Haha then like 2 seconds later I felt these butterflies and felt really really happy (I know that sounds really cheesy... But its the only way I can describe it... Haha) and I don't remember what I said after... Haha I was probably in shock. We went to lunch with his cousin before we left to go back to Boise. After we got married Jen said she knew we were gonna get married. :) 
We got back to Boise and then on Feb. 11 we went on our first official date. We went to a Valentine's Day Institute dance (he hates dancing) and then went back to his place and watched a movie. It was the best first date ever. 
On February 13th, he came over for dinner and then when he had to go, he told me he loved me. I was really happy but I told him I don't know how I feel just yet because I've never been in love. He then asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. :) I obviously said yes. :) I knew I was in love with him a month later. 
We dated for almost 4 months and on June 3rd, 2011, we went back to Idaho Falls and we were across from the river from the temple and he told me we were gonna have a barbecue and when we pulled up to the spot my family was there and I was really confused. We ate lunch and then my mom said she wanted to take pictures. It was all my family, then Austin was there so he joined in since he was the matchmaker and then it was just Daniel and I and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes. :) 
We got married on December 2nd 2011 in the Idaho falls temple. :) 
So as you can see, we didn't have time to be friends. Haha it was really fast and I used to judge people who moved really fast in their relationship but as I found out, when you know, you know. 
Heavenly Father gave me the thought to go as long as I could
to not like any guys. He put Austin in my life because if I didn't go to BYU Idaho I would have never met him. He was supposed to come to Boise and meet Daniel and bring him to my party. Daniel was thinking of having his own party the night I was going to but he changed his mind at the last minute and told Austin he was going with him. I love our story. :) 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Years Resolution 2015

So I've been thinking about the new years and what my resolution should be. Last year I made a goal to work out 2 or 3 days a week and I did extremely well with that. After my surgery in July I did it 5 days a week and I lost 5 pounds total and 4 inches. So I'd say I did great! :) 

This year I've been reading what people have said what their resolutions would be and a lot of the time it has been not caring what people think about them. I think that's what mine should be too. I've spent A LONG time in my 24+ years caring what people think and wondering if they like me or not and when I post things to Facebook or instagram I get really anxious to get likes or comments and get really upset when no one or some people like my stuff. This year my goal is going to be to stop caring. It's ridiculous how much I get annoyed when people don't like my stuff. It shouldn't really matter how many likes or comments I get. I always have felt like if I don't get likes or comments that people don't like me, and that's ridiculous, I know. So from now on I'm going to post what I want and not care and that goes for real life outside the social world. Sometimes I have this feeling like not a lot of people like me, and that shouldn't matter either. I have my son and family and my husband who loves me. That's who I should worry about. Not everyone else. This year I'm going to work on loving myself more and not care what others think about me. :)