Saturday, December 28, 2013

6 months old :)

My baby is 6 months old today. that is just crazy to me. He is the best baby in the entire world. I love him so much. I am learning to be patient with him. patience is hard for me and having a baby definitely helps :) 

-he loves his toes. He doesn't play with them very often but when he does, there's no stopping him. :)

-He can sit up by himself! He loves it! :) 

-He loves to play. He hates naps. He would rather play than sleep during the day. 

-He still doesn't have teeth. I've been waiting for 3 months. haha hopefully soon! 

-This kid LOVES food. all he wants to do is eat eat eat. :) He's just like me. :) 

I don't know how much he weighs and how much his length is just yet. I will get that when he goes to the doctor on the 9th. :) 

We love you Max! Thanks for being a great baby. :) 

In other news, Daniel and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on the 2nd! We went to see Frozen. It was a great movie! We celebrated our anniversary in October by going to Disney On Ice (which he totally surprised me... :) love being spoiled!) it was so fun! I love being a wife and mommy. it's the best! 

Monday, October 28, 2013

4 months old

Today my baby is 4 months old! I cannot believe how time is flying by! He is so much fun and I love being his mommy. I took him to his 4 month appointment on Thursday and he had to get his shots. :( It was a hard day. He was so miserable all day. I felt so bad for him. 

He weighs 14 pounds 9.5 ounces (36 percentile) and is 25 1/4 inches long (62 Percentile) and I don't remember them telling me how many inches his head is but it's in the 24th percentile! haha he is getting so big and so much fun. 

When he's on his back, he can roll over. He's still working on front to back. He's done it a couple times but just by accident. haha. 

When he's REALLY happy he can laugh. I love it when he laughs. It's the cutest thing in the world. 

We are working on sitting, I am borrowing a bumbo chair thing so I hope it helps. 

It takes him awhile to warm up to people, especially my family but once he warms up he LOVES them and smiles at them. 

He HATES being tired during the day. He only takes 1 or 2 naps and they aren't very long but when he is REALLY tired during the day, he can take a 2 hour nap. 

He LOVES looking at his hands. He cries and then his hands come in view and he automatically stops and gets distracted by them. It's the cutest thing ever. 

We started him on Rice Cereal about 2 weeks ago. He was only sleeping every 3 hours and I was SO tired and I tried rice cereal (at first he did not like it one bit) and he slept 6ish hours and I was so happy. haha and then just little by little he was sleeping 10 hours! It was fantastic! The night he got his shots he slept 11 hours. It has been REALLY awesome getting some good sleep. (I hope I'm not bragging really bad... if I am... SO SORRY.) 

He has been an awesome baby, I'm just wondering how all my babies will be. haha I hope they are as good as Max is. (Probably just jinxed myself. lol) I love being a mom. It's the greatest job in the world! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thankful for an amazing husband and all you single moms!

So the other night Daniel was working the night shift and I am usually used to taking care of Max when he works nights but the night before he was up every 2 hours wanting to eat and going through a growth spurt and I was so tired and he woke up and it was around 11 and I fed him and he was not going back to sleep. He was wide awake and I broke down and bawled and basically had a mental breakdown. I called Daniel and through my tears I was like "Don't you ever leave me. EVER! I can't do this alone!!" He was probably like "umm... I won't?" haha I was a little dramatic but it was mostly from my lack of sleep. haha 

My point of this story is that I'm thankful for my husband AND all those single moms out there. I don't know how they do it without someone by their side. But I was thinking about it the other day. What if something happens and we fall out of love or one of us dies? I know it probably won't happen but I couldn't help thinking that. It scared me. A lot.

I have a great husband. He works SO hard and I'm so thankful he's letting me stay home with Max. He's the greatest. He's the most important person in my life. I never thought I would find someone who cares so much for me and loves me. Before that party happened, never in my mind would I thought that I would meet my eternal companion there. I know I was supposed to go a year without liking guys. I know I was supposed to have that party (Thanks JoAnna! :) haha) I know we were supposed to meet. I love you Daniel!! You're my favorite! :D 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Just some thoughts

So I've been thinking about my life before Daniel came into it and I have liked some great and not so great guys. Let's take a tour of "Emily's crushes before marriage" shall we? haha I don't remember all of the guys I've liked so let's just talk about the ones I do remember, why don't we? haha

Vaughn- Oh man. I really don't know why I liked him for FOUR years. I don't even know why I liked him for a day. He was NEVER nice to me. Well okay that's a lie. He was nice to me sometimes but that's only because he knew I liked him. Maybe it's because he could play the piano REALLY well and he was cute? Hey, I was 13, okay? haha he never really gave me the friend talk but we all know he just wanted to be friends. So after 4 years of ridiculousness I finally said "Why do I even like this boy? He's never nice to me." So while he was on his mission I made up my mind that there would never EVER be a future for us and I finally moved on. I bet he was thrilled about that. lol we talk sometimes but not all the time anymore. He got married and I am SO happy for him. They are so cute together. 

Drake- again, I have no idea why I liked him either. He came over to paint our deck and he was so cute. (again, I was 13 or 14... Yes same time as Vaughn.... is that bad? lol) I found out he went to the same church building and I kept wanting to talk to him and be beside him (again, I was 14. Don't judge me.) and he got pretty annoyed by that and he told me to leave him alone. haha anyways, I don't ever talk to him anymore unless I see him somewhere like a wedding reception. Apparently he got married this year which is awesome. (Honestly I thought he would never get married. haha) 

Jarren- I met Jarren in September of 2008 in college. He was my FHE brother and for the longest time I did not want to like anyone but it didn't work... I started liking him because I could talk to him about anything and he wouldn't laugh at me. He became my best friend. I went home for my off track or something and I finally just broke down and talked to him and he said he just wanted to be friends. I was a little dissapointed because I really liked him. But, after that I could ask him for advice on boys and he would tell me what to do. He was one of those guys I could talk to about anything. Ever since I got married I don't talk to him as much anymore, but that's okay. He will always be one of my best friends. 

Jasen- Oh Jasen. I liked him because he was cute and my home teacher (college) and... he was short. bahaha he was nice and a great member of the church. Then I went to his soccer game (I hate soccer...) and after he took me home and told me he wanted to be friends. I never talk to him anymore. but that's okay. He wasn't that great of a friend anyways. haha 

Stefan- Okay so this is a weird one because he had a twin. But I just liked Stefan. Which is a little weird to me. haha but we hung out a lot. Stefan was really cute and nice and had a great personality. It was Halloween night (I think...?) and I invited him to watch a movie with me and my roommate. He texted me back saying something like "Emily, I'm sorry but I just want to be friends" which came out of the blue and I was really upset and said how in the world did you know that????? But we just ended up being friends and right now Stefan and Austin (his twin) are 2 of my best friends and they have come to my wedding and Max's baby blessing. I am so thankful to have great friends like them. 

Hunter- Before I liked Hunter, I told myself that I would NEVER like anyone that is younger than me and he is like 11 months younger than me but he was ALWAYS nice to me and commenting on my pictures on FB saying "Pretty!!" and we hung out and I totally thought he liked me but sometimes when I asked him to come hang out he said he was busy or working on homework and I was really confused. I finally wrote him a letter and said Hunter, you are confusing me (blah blah blah) I just want to be friends and he wrote me back (this was on FB if you wanted to know... haha) and said oh Emily I am so sorry, I am just that kind of guy who says nice things and blah blah blah. We became friends and I sorta talk to him still. He just got married this weekend and I am super happy for him. 

After Hunter I told myself that I would go as long as possible without liking any guys. I didn't know how long it would last because I was the type of girl who saw a cute guy and instantly start liking him but when I got to a month without liking any guys I was so happy! and then 7 months came and my friend JoAnna said if I could go a year she would throw me a party so when I got to a year I was so excited. Austin (Stefan's twin) was in town so I invited him and Daniel came with him. :) 

Daniel- at first I didn't know how I was feeling about him since my mind was still in the "year of no liking guys" mode when I met him. But when I got to know him I started to like him more and more. He was the type of guy I could see myself marrying. He was kind, patient, had a great sense of humor and could make me laugh so hard if he wanted. He would always text me first and ask if I wanted to hang out. He was my favorite crush. :) and well you know the rest. :) 

Well anyways, I hope this didn't bore you to death. haha :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2 months today! :)

Wow, I cannot believe that my baby boy is already 2 months old. It's been such a fun 2 months. His personality is starting to show and it's SO much fun! He is 11 pounds 11 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long. (He was born 7 pounds, 10 oz and 20 inches) 

He smiles A TON now. It's so cute :) 

He loves to focus on faces 

He hates bath time. But it's probably my fault. I should check the water more than I do. He screams and cries until he's dressed. Sorry bub. 

He likes to kick and move around on the floor

He's not too fond of Tummy time... He likes it for about 5 minutes then he gets frustrated. 

When other people are holding him and he starts to cry and scream and then I take him he calms down. So I think he's gonna be a mommy's boy. ;) 

He loves to eat :) 

When he was almost 3 weeks old he started sleeping through the night. 6 hours at night. I thought I would try the carseat for a little bit and he was sleeping 6 hours then 7 then 8! It was fantastic! But he can't sleep in the carseat forever so the other day I tried his crib in our room and the first night he woke up every 3 hours so I was afraid it was gonna take forever to get used to but the 2nd night he slept 6 hours. Apparently he got used to it cuz he slept 8 hours the next night! So I'm happy about that. :) I hate to brag but my baby is an AWESOME sleeper. :) 

He loves it when I stick my tongue out at him. He thinks it's so funny :) 

He is starting to try and laugh. haha it's cute. 

He only ever cries when he is hungry or tired. The other day he kept throwing temper tantrums though. He was probably going through a growth spurt. 

He's pretty much a happy boy all the time. I love him lots. Daniel and I got super blessed with a great baby. :) I just hope he continues to sleep through the night when he gets older :) 

Love you little man! 

He just loves talking to Grandma. :) 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

6 weeks old already

Wow, you guys. Max is almost 6 weeks already. That is just crazy to me. I feel like he's gonna be 18 and on a mission before I know it. It makes me sad. haha he is so cute and a really good baby. He only ever cries when he's hungry or tired, other than that he is a happy one. He started smiling about 2 weeks ago and it's the cutest thing ever. He is sleeping about 4-6 hours at night. It's so awesome!!! :D 

His baby blessing was Sunday August 4th. We did it in my parents ward in Melba, Idaho. It was such a great day. Daniel did an amazing job. He said a lot of great things and I was going to write down in a journal but I forgot one! But I do remember that he said he was named after his Great Grandpa and the ones before him for their integrity and honesty. He also said that he encourages him to get all the education he can. Honestly that's all I remember. :/ oops. but it was a very special day. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is the best thing ever and I'm so thankful that I found an eternal companion that has the priesthood and was able to bless him. I love him so much. 

Max Daniel with his Great Grandpa Max Daniel. :) 

He is a great baby. We love him so much. :) 

Friday, July 5, 2013

He's here, he's here, he's here!!!

Max is FINALLY here!!! I am SO excited. He is the cutest baby boy in the entire world. It's quite the story of how he came into this world.

I was due June 25th and through that day I was really looking forward to contractions and getting him out of me, but nothing was happening.

We went to bed without having any contractions and then on June 26th and around 2:00 AM I felt my very first contraction. It wasn't that big so I didn't know it was a contraction, it just felt kinda funny and then Daniel went to work they were getting stronger and more painful and around 11 I called him and told him that I was having contractions and he said to keep him updated, and around 2ish they were getting so painful I really wanted Daniel home so I called him and told him they were getting painful and stronger and I wanted him home and he said that he's gonna come home after work and see what happens. So I took a bath and that seemed to work a little bit. I was never so happy to have him come home at 5:30. We timed the contractions and they were getting stronger and they were about 8 minutes apart. He helped me through them and then around 7:00 I was having horrible pain in my back and my lower tummy that I couldn't take it anymore, so we called the midwives and they said to come in. We got there around 8:00 and they checked me and I was at a 6! I couldn't believe it because the day before I was at a 1. So we did all the things to get through the contractions but they were kinda slowing down so my midwife told me to get some rest at 11:00 and around 2:00 I was getting more contractions and Daniel helped me through them by holding my hand and telling me to breathe and try to get through them. He was a wonderful birthing coach. 

Then I got more rest and woke up around 6 and started to get through them again. They checked me again and I was still at a 6 and his head wasn't dropped at all. I was really frustrated because it was hurting and my back was killing me. We tried the birthing ball and walking around outside and all that to try to get more dilated. I wasn't dilating at all. I kept doing everything I could. My mom was there to help me through the pain. If she and Daniel weren't there I don't know what I would have done. I probably would have quit and wanted the epidural much faster. 

Around 7:00 that night I was crying and my back was hurting and I wanted to quit and just get the epidural and they checked me again to see if I had progressed, I didn't. I was still between a 6 and a 7. We talked and decided the best thing to do was to finally go to the hospital and get the epidural. 

Once we got to the hospital my contractions were awful, I wanted the epidural right away but I had to sign papers and all that stuff and I just wanted to die. 

Once we got into the room they did IV's and more paperwork and I seriously felt like dying. It felt like the anesthesiologist was taking forever to put the epidural in. He FINALLY got into the room and I got the epidural and within minutes I didn't feel a thing. I was smiling in about 2 minutes. Literally. I felt so much better. They checked me again an hour later and I was about an 8!! I was so excited, but his head was still not dropping and he was sunny side up. They kept checking me and they finally broke my water and it literally felt like a waterfall coming out. It was really gross. haha I was at a 9 after that! I was so excited. 

Around 2:00 in the morning they checked me again and unfortunately I went back to a 7. I was really sad because by this time they were talking about doing a C section and I didn't want that because I wanted to see what a vaginal delivery would feel like. I kept praying and praying that it wouldn't be a C section. 

Around 5:00 the nurse checked me again and I still was back at a 7 and we just decided the C section would be better. I was really excited to finally meet my son but really sad at the same time because I did not want a C section. He just wasn't dropping.

I got into the room where they were going to do the C section and I was shaky (from the numbing medicine) and I didn't feel good and I wanted Daniel in the room with me (They don't let the significant other in the room at first). He finally got there and the procedure started and before he came out I told myself that my life was about to change forever. He finally came out on June 28th at 6:02 in the morning. When they were weighing him and cleaning him off I was like "oh hey look a baby is in the room, that's cool." then it dawned on me that he was my baby!! He is here!! 

He is amazing. I love him so much. He loves to sleep and eat and poop. Except he doesn't like to sleep from about 2-5 in the morning. But other than that he is great and perfect and SO cute. They figured my pelvis was too small to deliver vaginally. The doctor told me that for my next baby I will have a 50-50 chance of delivering vaginally. So I might just have to do C sections from now on. I'm almost recovered and it doesn't hurt as much to laugh or talk or cough. :) haha 

mommyhood is fantastic, but I do miss my sleep. :) haha 


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Well folks, guess what. MY DUE DATE IS IN 2 WEEKS!!! Holy smokes, we are getting closer. Some days I still can't believe that there is a baby inside me. It's kinda crazy! haha we moved into our new house almost 2 weeks ago on Friday. I love it. It's a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath and an office space! (I probably wrote about this before but I'm telling everyone again. haha) I didn't know which room to take for the Nursery. Then my mom had an awesome idea. Since the office (It looks like an office, that's where the guys office was before so I call it an office) is way closer to my room then the other rooms we should make that room the nursery. Sounds weird but, guys... It is so awesome. My family came over and helped me set it up. It looks so great. :) 

This dresser is 65 years old, My great grandpa made it for my grandma!
 My family sanded and painted it. :) 

hehe I love this picture. It's my absolute favorite 

I love my family. They are so excited for Max to come. I can't believe I have 2 weeks left. It's going by SO fast. I hope he comes soon! Well I hope not this weekend. My mom is going to Utah for my brother's Lacrosse tournament and I want her in the room with me when Max is born so hopefully he waits till after she comes back. Hopefully next blog post will be all about my baby boy!!! :D 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

4 weeks left!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness you guys. I have 4 weeks left till my due date. Can you believe it? I totally can't. Before I know it I will have a REAL BABY IN MY ARMS! Ahhhh. That's so crazy to think about. I will be a mommy soon! I had a baby appointment today. Max is still head down! I'm starting to think he's been head down the whole time. It's awesome. :) Anyways, my baby appointments are EVERY WEEK NOW. Oh my goodness. My midwife told me today that I might as well be prepared to be a week late. Pooie. I don't want to be a week late! haha but if Max isn't ready to come till then I guess I can wait. 

I've been having Braxton Hick Contractions every so often. It's a little weird cuz then that means the real contractions are going to come soon. Holy cow. 

We are moving this weekend! So excited! The past 2 days have been packing packing packing. Actually, I should say that Daniel has been packing packing packing... I have been resting. :) hehe our new house is like a mile away from the house we are living in now. I'm so excited to move, but then again I'm not. Excited because the neighbors dogs bark ALL THE TIME. it's REALLY annoying. The place we are moving into has dogs but I heard that they rarely bark. I'm SO excited. I'm not excited because I love this house. I'm gonna miss it. but it's way too expensive for us. :( But the new house is way bigger and has a way bigger yard for Domino. I'm excited. :) 

Well next time I blog I will probably be in the new house. I will post pictures!! :) 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

New House, Allergic Reactions, Baby Showers, Oh my!

So it's been awhile since I blogged! Lots has happened since my last post. Let me start with new house! :D 

Well, our lease is up end of this month and we weren't finding ANYTHING. It was stressing me out because I thought we were going to be homeless. Then my friend Joy called and told me her neighbor is renting out his house basically because it's getting foreclosed in about 2 months and he bought another house but it's going out for auction so he's hoping to buy the house and if that happens, he will let us rent the house. But, if he isn't able to buy it we'll have till October to look for another house. So basically we have 4 months in that house. Not very long but at least we have something for right now. :) I'm so glad because I didn't want to be homeless with a baby. haha and it's still in Kuna! Super excited. Except we are in a different ward which stinks but I'm excited to live in this house. It has a HUGE backyard. Okay, not really that huge, but it's way bigger than our backyard we have now. So I'm excited Domino has room to run around. :) It's a 4 Bed 2.5 bath. :) So excited. :) 

Well moving on to allergic reactions. About a week ago, I ran out of my prenatal vitamins so we went to get a new kind. When I started taking the new kind I started to get bumps, but I didn't worry about it that much because it didn't hurt or itch or anything, but on Thursday night it started to get worse and started to itch and I put Witch Hazel stuff on to see if that would help which it did for a bit but at like 2:30 in the morning, it started to itch and itch and itch and wouldn't stop and I was crying and I wanted a blessing and I asked Daniel and he was too scared to give me one because he hasn't done one before and he didn't have any oil. By this point I was considering calling my dad but I didn't want to bug him at 3 in the morning. So we said a prayer that it would stop itching so I would be able to sleep. I was able to sleep. At 7:30 I texted my dad (my mom's graduation was this day) and said dad I need a blessing, would you be able to give me one? Then my itching and bumps was getting worse (well it felt like it) and Daniel was like okay, I am taking you to the doctor. So he took me to the doctor and he said it might be the new Prenatal Vitamin and wrote a prescription for medicine. That is definitely helping. While this was going on, Daniel was so worried about me and it shows how much he does care for me, which is awesome. I love him so much. Today, we went over to my parents for a blessing and Daniel was so nervous because he's never given a blessing before but he did SO good for his first time. I am so proud of him. I might get sick more often. ;) just kidding. but really, he did so good. I love him so much. 

Yesterday, I finally had my baby shower! It was so much fun. For some reason, I have this weird thing that when I have an event no one will come. But when I do have one, more than 20 people come. It's weird. So again, when about 25 people were there, it made me so happy and so loved. I love having friends. :) The baby shower was lots of fun and I got lots of diapers and wipes and burp cloths. :) I'm so excited for Max to come. 5 more weeks!! 

Well, that's about it! Hopefully next blog post won't be so long. :) Thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

8 more weeks!

You guys. I have 8 weeks left. Time is going by SO fast. Next thing I know I will have that sweet little baby boy in my arms. That's a crazy thought. 

Yesterday, we went to Applebees in Meridian and then we were passing Babies R Us and it said "moving sale, 50% off! So what did we do? We went in of course! I was half expecting not to buy a whole lot, but we bought almost $300.00 worth of stuff. Was it worth it? Definitely. :) Especially since it was all 50% off! We bought some clothes, some shoes, a bounce and sway, a crib/bassinet/playpen all in one!!! (it is the coolest thing ever!) and a couple other things that I am so excited about. :) I should have waited till after the baby shower... but oh well. It was all 50% off!!! I can't wait to meet this little baby boy that's moving around inside me. Soon he will be moving around outside me. It's a weird thought! I am due NEXT month. It's so crazy to think about. I am going to be a mommy! I can't even believe it. It's going by so fast. I can't wait to meet him and hug him all of the time. :D Love you little man! 
32 weeks!! 
Isn't this so stinking cute? I am so excited. :) 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

baby classes and baby Max

So, Daniel and I have been  going to a baby class. It's going pretty good! This week was only our 2nd week but I have learned a lot. Yesterday they talked about deliveries and going into labor. It makes me not so nervous. Tons of women have been doing it for ages so I think I can too. :) Even though I'm still freaking nervous as heck, I am so excited for this little baby to enter this world. He will be all mine and Daniel's. I am SO excited. I had a dream last night that I went into labor and I wasn't even nervous. :) Guess the baby class is doing its job.

Well, update on little Max! He is doing so good. He loves to move around a lot. Especially when daddy puts his hand on my tummy. He must know who he is! That is really amazing. Sometimes when I'm not doing anything I look down and my tummy is going crazy. It is so cool. We are now down to 11 weeks till my due date, which is REALLY exciting. Sometimes I feel like I'm not ready because being a mom will be a lot of responsibility but I am so excited to meet him and see what he looks like. I feel like it's taking forever, but on the other hand it's getting so close. I can't wait to be a mommy. :) 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dear Max

I can't wait to meet this little baby that's always wiggling around inside me. Sometimes I see my tummy moving all over and it's SUPER weird. There's actually a real baby in there!!! I'm going to be a mommy!! It's becoming more and more real every single day. Sometimes I'm ready to become a mom and other days I'm so nervous I just want him to stay in me. But, he'll come out when he's ready and if I'm ready or not. 

Dear Max Daniel Romrell:
On Tuesday, I will be 27 weeks pregnant with you, soon I will get to meet you and see your adorable face. I can't wait for that to happen and experience motherhood. Your daddy is going to be the best daddy ever. You sure like to move a lot and he gets to feel you now. We are so excited to see you. Will you have blue eyes? Green eyes? Brown eyes? Will you have my eyes that are blue and green? Whatever color they will be, you will be loved. What about your hair? Will you have lots? none at all? Will it be blonde? brown? Will you like nursing? I just hope whatever happens, you know you are loved by so many people around you and you will be so spoiled by your uncle and aunts and grandparents. I love you already and can't wait to see your cute little face when you are born. I just hope I will be a good mommy to you and can take care of you and treat you like a good mommy should. You are coming at just the right time. Beginning of summer. just barely enough for it to get hot so I won't die of heat. :) I just hope you aren't late. Please don't do that to me. :) You are so loved little Max. Daddy and I can't wait to meet you!!!

<3 Mommy 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

24 weeks

        Well everyone. We are almost at 25 weeks! I can't believe it. It's going by so fast. Max will be here before we know it. I will be a mommy soon. I can't believe it. I am sooo nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because being a mom is a huge responsibility. Will I be a good mommy? Will Daniel be a good daddy? Will we be able to take care of him? (I know we will be able to, It's just one of those questions that I ask almost every day) 

I am so excited for this little boy. I haven't even met him yet and I love him. He's been kicking me and moving more and more each day. I love it. I probably won't when I'm 8 months and ready for him to be here but right now I am enjoying it. I sang to him the other day and he stopped moving and kicking and when I stopped singing he started kicking me again. I know what I will be doing when he is crying and not calming down. I'll just sing to him! (Hopefully that will work. :) haha) 

I really want him to come either on June 16th or June 19th. June 16th is Daniel's birthday and Father's day so that would be super cute. June 19th is Hayley's birthday and it would be so fun for him to share a birthday with his aunt. :) He can also come on any day but I think it would be so fun if he came on either of those days.
I can't wait till he's here and we can play with him all day long. :) 

Love you Max! Can't wait to meet you!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It's a....

BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)  

Max Daniel Romrell will make his arrival end of June. We are so excited for this little baby boy. :) 

I still can't believe I have a baby inside me! It's so crazy. I am so excited. :)

We made the appointment 5 weeks ago, and I was going crazy not knowing yet and I kept hearing stories that other people kept telling me like the umbilical cord was in the way or baby kept crossing its legs so they couldn't tell. So I was so worried that we wouldn't be able to tell. but! little Max wasn't shy at all. It was like he wanted to let everyone know he is a boy. :) But I did make them make sure like 3 times. I love him already. <3 Can't wait to meet him. He's so cute already. He was sucking his thumb, it was so stinking adorable. :) 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Count Your Many Blessings

Lately, I've been thinking about how much my life is great. Especially the last couple days. 2 years ago yesterday (January 22, 2011) I met Daniel at my "Year of No Liking Guys" party. It is so crazy to think. If I didn't go a year without liking any guys, I wouldn't have a party. If I didn't have a party, would I have met Daniel another way? No clue, but probably some other way but it would probably be boring. If one of my best friends Austin didn't move to Boise from Idaho Falls to Student teach when he did, he wouldn't have been able to come to my party and bring Daniel. Ya see? It is so crazy. I am so happy it turned out the way it did. I am so happy I had the impression to go as long as possible to not like guys. I am also very happy that Daniel didn't have a party on the exact same night as my party. (He was thinking about it but no one was able to come. Phew!) I am just so happy that he is my husband. He is so great, and he's gonna be a great daddy. 

Speaking of baby! We get to find out what we are having on February 19th! I am so excited, I can't stand it. I just hope the baby doesn't cross it's legs or anything so we won't be able to see. If that happens, I might go crazy. But someone told me to drink a sugary drink so baby will be active and it will be easier to see. :) So, that's what I will do! :) haha I don't understand how some people wait till the baby is born to find out. That is just crazy! I can't wait to find out if we're having Max Daniel Romrell or Hazel Lynn Romrell. It's gonna be a great day. :)