Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It's a....

BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)  

Max Daniel Romrell will make his arrival end of June. We are so excited for this little baby boy. :) 

I still can't believe I have a baby inside me! It's so crazy. I am so excited. :)

We made the appointment 5 weeks ago, and I was going crazy not knowing yet and I kept hearing stories that other people kept telling me like the umbilical cord was in the way or baby kept crossing its legs so they couldn't tell. So I was so worried that we wouldn't be able to tell. but! little Max wasn't shy at all. It was like he wanted to let everyone know he is a boy. :) But I did make them make sure like 3 times. I love him already. <3 Can't wait to meet him. He's so cute already. He was sucking his thumb, it was so stinking adorable. :)