Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Max!

Guys. My little tiny baby isn't a little tiny baby anymore. :( His 2nd birthday was yesterday (June 28) and we started celebrating the day before since his actual birthday was on a Sunday. I planned my very first birthday party and it was so stressful and overwhelming! But it turned out fabulous and so much fun! We had a Mickey Mouse birthday party theme! It turned out great and the stress and planning was totally worth it. 

I had planned 4 games but we did 2, but it was still so much fun! We did a bucket toss where there were 3 buckets. 10 points, 20 points and 30 points. You stood far back and tried to throw it in. With Max he just went right up to the bucket and threw it in. But that's okay. He's 2. haha 

Next game was Mickey Mouse Toilet Paper Bowling, Max LOVED this game. 

Then I planned to do a bean bag toss and coloring but everyone was hungry and wanted to eat. So that's what we did. :) 

After that we opened presents and had cake 

Like I said, the party went great and it was totally worth all the stressing and planning! :) 

I can't believe my baby is 2! He has learned so much and is talking a lot more and says a ton of words. Sometimes when I say something he repeats it. I have to be careful of what I say now. ;) haha he loves Mickey Mouse (Of course...) mommy and daddy, going outside, and loves to throw balls. I'm thinking he'll be a quarterback. :) We are still working on eating real food... Sometimes he just wants it to be mixed up. Kind of annoying but we are working on it. :) He is starting to like bathtime more which is awesome. He still takes 2 hour naps and sleeps 12 hours. 

Overall, he is the best thing ever and I am so lucky to be his mom. I can't wait to see him as a big brother. Speaking of. We find out what we are having tomorrow!! Eek! So excited!