Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Hazel Lynn Romrell :) Birth story

Well guys! She's finally here! It's been a week already! It's so weird how time flies. As much as I love that she's finally here that just means she's gonna get bigger and bigger. I just want her to stay tiny forever! Well she can grow a little more so I don't feel like I'm gonna break her but when she gets bigger, she's forbidden to grow more. :) Since I had a c section, I don't have much of a birth story like I did with Max but I will try to tell the whole story. I just won't go into TOO much detail. ;) haha 

So Tuesday during the day, I felt my tummy harden and then go soft again, I just thought it was her moving into weird positions or something. It kept doing it and it started to hurt, but I still didn't think anything of it. We dropped Max off to my parents and I told my mom that my tummy kept getting hard and she's like well are you sure its not contractions? I was like well I guess but that's not how I was feeling with Max so I didn't know! haha but they went away while I was in bed (at least I didn't feel them anymore) I slept as well as I could, and woke up at 5:40 and got ready! We left for the hospital at 6:05 (Yes I was paying attention. ;) haha) and then got to the hospital and signed in and got all hooked up and the hardening of my tummy came back and they told me they were indeed contractions! I was shocked since they were SO different from what I felt with Max. They were 5 minutes apart! It was very exciting. haha a few days before I wanted to experience labor again which is weird but it was a nice couple minutes. Even though they hurt. haha then we got into the room and I had the spinal put in and started to feel numb right away. It felt so weird. I couldn't move my legs and my belly was numb. Then, Daniel came in and the surgery started. It felt like a long time to get her out but it was less than 10 minutes. She was born at 8:09 AM and she wasn't breech anymore! Which was kind of exciting! She was only 5 pounds and 15 ounces! So tiny! I was surprised. I totally thought she was gonna be like 7 pounds. I am wondering since she was so tiny and she wasn't breech anymore and in the position to come on her own that I could probably have a vaginal delivery. Oh well. She's here so I guess it doesn't matter. :) We stayed in the hospital for 3 days. C sections are rough. It's hard to laugh and cough and basically do anything. haha but it's totally worth it. :) But I still wonder if I could do it vaginally. I guess I can ask Heavenly Father when I die. ;) haha but I did pray and I felt like having a c section was the right thing to do so I guess it was a good idea. :) It's okay. She is here and healthy and that's all that matters. :) I'm now a mom of 2! So crazy! 

Isn't she so cute? :) 

When he first met her he totally ignored her at first. He didn't really want to hold her. But he did want to feed her. haha 

 I love this. Maybe having a sister won't be so bad? 

Going home! 

We love her already and can't wait to see how Max does with her. He's with Daniel's mom and dad in Eastern Idaho so I haven't gotten to see how 2 kids is yet. So we'll see! Hopefully he won't try to kill her. ;)