Sunday, September 8, 2013

Just some thoughts

So I've been thinking about my life before Daniel came into it and I have liked some great and not so great guys. Let's take a tour of "Emily's crushes before marriage" shall we? haha I don't remember all of the guys I've liked so let's just talk about the ones I do remember, why don't we? haha

Vaughn- Oh man. I really don't know why I liked him for FOUR years. I don't even know why I liked him for a day. He was NEVER nice to me. Well okay that's a lie. He was nice to me sometimes but that's only because he knew I liked him. Maybe it's because he could play the piano REALLY well and he was cute? Hey, I was 13, okay? haha he never really gave me the friend talk but we all know he just wanted to be friends. So after 4 years of ridiculousness I finally said "Why do I even like this boy? He's never nice to me." So while he was on his mission I made up my mind that there would never EVER be a future for us and I finally moved on. I bet he was thrilled about that. lol we talk sometimes but not all the time anymore. He got married and I am SO happy for him. They are so cute together. 

Drake- again, I have no idea why I liked him either. He came over to paint our deck and he was so cute. (again, I was 13 or 14... Yes same time as Vaughn.... is that bad? lol) I found out he went to the same church building and I kept wanting to talk to him and be beside him (again, I was 14. Don't judge me.) and he got pretty annoyed by that and he told me to leave him alone. haha anyways, I don't ever talk to him anymore unless I see him somewhere like a wedding reception. Apparently he got married this year which is awesome. (Honestly I thought he would never get married. haha) 

Jarren- I met Jarren in September of 2008 in college. He was my FHE brother and for the longest time I did not want to like anyone but it didn't work... I started liking him because I could talk to him about anything and he wouldn't laugh at me. He became my best friend. I went home for my off track or something and I finally just broke down and talked to him and he said he just wanted to be friends. I was a little dissapointed because I really liked him. But, after that I could ask him for advice on boys and he would tell me what to do. He was one of those guys I could talk to about anything. Ever since I got married I don't talk to him as much anymore, but that's okay. He will always be one of my best friends. 

Jasen- Oh Jasen. I liked him because he was cute and my home teacher (college) and... he was short. bahaha he was nice and a great member of the church. Then I went to his soccer game (I hate soccer...) and after he took me home and told me he wanted to be friends. I never talk to him anymore. but that's okay. He wasn't that great of a friend anyways. haha 

Stefan- Okay so this is a weird one because he had a twin. But I just liked Stefan. Which is a little weird to me. haha but we hung out a lot. Stefan was really cute and nice and had a great personality. It was Halloween night (I think...?) and I invited him to watch a movie with me and my roommate. He texted me back saying something like "Emily, I'm sorry but I just want to be friends" which came out of the blue and I was really upset and said how in the world did you know that????? But we just ended up being friends and right now Stefan and Austin (his twin) are 2 of my best friends and they have come to my wedding and Max's baby blessing. I am so thankful to have great friends like them. 

Hunter- Before I liked Hunter, I told myself that I would NEVER like anyone that is younger than me and he is like 11 months younger than me but he was ALWAYS nice to me and commenting on my pictures on FB saying "Pretty!!" and we hung out and I totally thought he liked me but sometimes when I asked him to come hang out he said he was busy or working on homework and I was really confused. I finally wrote him a letter and said Hunter, you are confusing me (blah blah blah) I just want to be friends and he wrote me back (this was on FB if you wanted to know... haha) and said oh Emily I am so sorry, I am just that kind of guy who says nice things and blah blah blah. We became friends and I sorta talk to him still. He just got married this weekend and I am super happy for him. 

After Hunter I told myself that I would go as long as possible without liking any guys. I didn't know how long it would last because I was the type of girl who saw a cute guy and instantly start liking him but when I got to a month without liking any guys I was so happy! and then 7 months came and my friend JoAnna said if I could go a year she would throw me a party so when I got to a year I was so excited. Austin (Stefan's twin) was in town so I invited him and Daniel came with him. :) 

Daniel- at first I didn't know how I was feeling about him since my mind was still in the "year of no liking guys" mode when I met him. But when I got to know him I started to like him more and more. He was the type of guy I could see myself marrying. He was kind, patient, had a great sense of humor and could make me laugh so hard if he wanted. He would always text me first and ask if I wanted to hang out. He was my favorite crush. :) and well you know the rest. :) 

Well anyways, I hope this didn't bore you to death. haha :)