Friday, March 28, 2014

9 months old!

Oh my goodness. Time seems like it's flying on by!! We now have a handsome 9 month old! It doesn't seem like it's been 9 months. It seems like just yesterday he was in my arms a tiny little baby now he's basically huge. ;) We went to his check up yesterday and he weighs 19 pounds, is 27.5 inches long and his head is 17 3/8 inches. He was born at 7 pounds and 10 ounches and he was just 20 inches. He's getting so big! 

-He sleeps about 9-11 hours at night. He goes to bed at 8:30 and wakes up about 7 

-This boy LOVES to eat... EXCEPT, he won't eat eggs. He doesn't like them, just like his aunt Andrea. Thanks Andrea. ;) 

-He loves snack time because he can pick up the food and eat it himself. He loves it, every time he puts a piece in his mouth he smiles and laughs like he's excited. It's basically the cutest thing ever. 

-He started crawling the other day! Yay!! He only did it like 4 steps and then just started scooting again... but hey! at least he did it! He'll be crawling in no time. :) 

-He finally got his first tooth a couple weeks ago. When he smiles it's basically the cutest smile you have ever seen. :)

-He gets stranger anxiety REALLY bad. Whenever we go places (especially my mom's) he gets REALLY clingy and cries whenever he's not near me. :) I might as well love it now before he doesn't like me anymore. ;) 

-Sometimes he DRIVES me crazy and makes me frustrated but he's the best thing that has happened to me. (Besides Daniel. :)) Love being his mommy! 

I can't believe that I became a mommy 9 months ago today. It's still crazy to me.... Sometimes I don't feel like his mom but a sister or something... is that weird? haha I love you Max Daniel. Thank you for making my life great!!! :D