Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Have you ever wondered?

Have you ever wondered... Why the person you are with likes you?
Have you ever wondered... Why math is so important? 
Have you ever wondered... Why your life is so great?  
Have you ever wondered... Why the sky is blue? 
Have you ever wondered... Why people are depressed?

I bet there are so much more but Have you ever just wondered these simple questions? I have. I look at my life and I have a great life, and I look at me and Daniel and I think really hard and think... "how the heck did I get so lucky to be with him? There are a million other girls in this world and he chooses me." I am so lucky. :) 

and only 156 more days till I am married to him! :) So excited. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Countdown! :)

158 days till I am Emily Romrell! I am so freaking excited!!! :) :) :) That seriously sounds like the cutest name in the whole entire world!! :D 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun (and not so fun) week!

So this last week was so fun. I just hung out with my man all week, but on Thursday, it was extra special because it was his birthday. as you all may know, I made him a cake and dinner which I never do, surprisingly it turned out well! and then we watched one of his favorite movies. and then on Friday, we agreed that before we get married, we would get in better shape so we agreed that we would go jogging, but right as we got out there, I started whining and being annoying, and Daniel wasn't too happy with me... I wouldn't blame him! I would have not too happy with me either! and then on Saturday we had his party, which included Idaho Pizza and bowling and then watched another of his favorite movies, that was sooo fun. and then Sunday, we went over to my parents and had a birthday party with him and my sister and celebrated Father's day. that was fun too. It's been a great week/end. I'm glad my life is great. :) 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sometimes I even wonder about me... :)

haha I'm so blonde sometimes... So when we were driving through Yellowstone on our way to Wyoming a couple weeks ago, there was a frozen lake and all of a sudden I blurted out... "how do fish breathe?" and Daniel looks at me confused and was like "what??" and then I was like "Don't they have to come up for air??" haha oh dear.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daniel's birthday! :)

Today was Daniel's birthday, about a month ago, I was trying to decide what to get him for his birthday, I was asking some of my friends what they think I should get him and someone asked me what he liked, I was like, well he likes blah and blah and hot chocolate! and then she was like, well make him a mug or something! that would be cute! so I went online and googled "customized mugs" and it came up with a website that I could put a picture and words on the bottom, so I put a picture of us and on the bottom, I put "World's cutest couple." I was so excited, that I forgot his birthday was a month away... so I bought it... haha I was so tempted more than once to give it to him. 

So anyways, while he was at work, I made him a cake and I was kinda nervous not gonna lie, (even tho it was store bought... :) haha) cuz I don't cook, and even tho I don't cook, I made him dinner. :) Chicken Alfredo! So he came over and we had dinner and he opened his present and had cake and ice cream. and then we went on a walk and kind of reenacted our first date/hang out day... it was fun. :) and then we came back and watched one of his favorite movies "Despicable Me." it was really fun. :) he told me that it was one of the greatest birthday's he's had! but it's not over! We still have his party thing on Saturday and my sister's birthday is on Sunday so we are celebrating it again on Sunday with her. So that will be fun. I'm so happy it turned out well! :) 

He literally blew out all his candles on the first try. I was impressed. :) 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

job searching

This is how I feel when I'm looking for jobs... 

I just want to rip my hair out... It's so frustrating! I put in applications and no one calls me back... It's kind of annoying. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep searching!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Family time. gotta love it. :)

today, Daniel and I went to my parents house to eat dinner, and I freaking love my family to death, about 10 minutes after we sat down to eat, my sister says something and we all burst out laughing. I mean, it probably wasn't funny to other people but to us it was pretty funny and I loved every minute of it, and I probably gained like 10 years of my life laughing so hard. Daniel probably thought I was crazy for laughing at something probably dumb but whatevs. :) and then after dinner we watched the Basketball game, it was so fun. I love my family. they are pretty great. :D

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wedding dress shopping

Today I went wedding dress shopping, and I went into Margene's Bridal thinking that I wouldn't find a dress today at all and I tried on the first one, and I LOVED it (this dress looked like one of Giselle's dresses on Enchanted with the slit) and then I tried on a couple more and then I put one on, and I loved it a lot. and then the manager put on a veil and I almost cried, I loved it, I could just see me wearing that on my wedding day. So in the end, I said "Yes to the dress" after an hour of looking. I got lucky. :D

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Proposal

I was having a Family Reunion in Wyoming on June 4th 2011 and Daniel thought it would be a good idea to go to Idaho Falls to meet his parents and grandparents a couple days before, on the 1st of June I met his parents and had dinner with them, then on the 2nd we went to his grandma's and had lunch, and then we went by the Idaho Falls temple to see where we would have a barbecue where he was putting it on... and when he told me we are having a barbecue I had my suspicions if he was going to propose to me or not, but then I was like, nah, he's not going to propose to me... so anyways, we got the place where it was going to take place and then on June 3rd 2011, we went to pick up his cousin in Rexburg and stopped at walmart to buy cups and plates and then we get to the place where it was and we pull up and it took me about a minute to realize that all my family was there with his family and I was like, "Is that my mom???" haha I was so confused! but then I was like oh my gosh, he IS going to propose today! I had an idea, so then we ate oh, and I should mention that Austin was there too since he lives in Idaho Falls. but anyways, we ate and then my mom suggested that we all take some pictures with all the kids with the Idaho Falls temple in the background and so we took a picture with my siblings, and then Daniel and his sister joined in and then the kids left and Austin joined in with Daniel and me and then Austin left and it was just Daniel and me, and I was trying to hug him to take a picture and he was trying to take the ring out of his pocket but I was like what the heck are you doing? and then he took the ring out and knelt down and said "Emily, will you marry me??" I was so shocked! haha but I said yes! and then after some hugging and all that jazz, Daniel said, okay Emily you get to choose which cake we have... this one? and it was an ugly "no" cupcake or this one? and it was a pretty "yes!" cake and I of course chose the "yes" cake! :) I'm so happy. I can't wait to marry Daniel in the Idaho Falls temple on December 2nd 2011. We're gonna have a great marriage. :)

How it all started

I met Daniel on January 22nd 2011, at my "year of no liking guys" party. Ironic, right? Well, let me back up and explain.

On January 8th 2010, I had one of many "let's just be friends" talks. I had it. after that happened I told myself that I would go as long as I could without liking any guys. I was so excited when I got to 1 month, and then 2 months, then I got to 7 months and I was so excited that I told my friend JoAnna that I got to 7 months, she told me that if I would make it a year she would throw me a party. So, when I made it to 9 months I told myself, "ya know, I can be happy without a guy, I can make it to a year! and then I would see really cute guys and my heart would be like... LIKE HIM!! and then I told myself, NO! I am going to make it to a year. and then the day came that I made it to a year and I got so excited that I forgot all about looking for the perfect guy.

My party was on January 22nd, 2011. I was so excited! It was a huge accomplishment for me that I wasn't thinking that about when I told my friends to come to my party that when my friend Austin told me that he  would bring his friend Daniel to the party. I wasn't like "oh is he cute??" like I usually do. anyways, the time of my party came and Austin came and I met Daniel but I didn't really think of anything mostly cuz my brain was still in the "year of no liking guys" mode for some reason. Anyways, as the time went on, I sang a song on the Karoake machine and then after Daniel was singing on the rock band or Karaoke (I don't remember...) and then I was sitting by Austin and he leaned over to me and said "Daniel thinks your cute" and so I was like, really??? but I still didn't think much of it, cuz well my brain was still in the mode, but I did notice that he was always sitting by me and stuff, and then Austin left and Daniel stayed till the end and when he left I went to say bye to him and he said "would you mind if I got your number from Austin?" I don't know why he didn't say "Can I get your number?" but the silly me said "Sure!" but anyways, I went back inside and I told JoAnna that he didn't ask for my number, but he did ask if Austin would give it to him, and I started freaking out because I wanted to get to know him more and my mind was going a bazillion miles a minute thinking, "is he gonna text me???" so anyways, the next day after church he texted me and I was like "oh my gosh, this isn't happening." so anyways, we started hanging out and we started holding hands, and cuddling and then on February 5th he told me he liked me and then I told him that I've never been kissed and then he said "really??? that's surprising, how would you feel if I was your first?" and then I said "ummm... okay??" I was a little nervous not gonna lie but he kissed me and at first I was like, "that was it?" haha but then I was like, Oh my gosh, I got my first kiss! so then we hung out more (no, we weren't "official" then... haha) and then on February 13th 2011, the day before Valentines day he said the words I thought I wouldn't hear in my life "would you like to be my girlfriend?" and I said "YES!!" and we have been the cutest couple ever since. and 3 months and 3 weeks after we started dating he proposed to me.