Monday, December 31, 2012

Families Can Be Together Forever

This weekend was full of Daniel's side of the family. Daniel's Aunt Wendy died December 18th in her sleep, so this weekend we took a quick trip to Idaho Falls to go to her funeral. It was such a lovely day. Well kinda. I don't like funerals, and I honestly didn't really know her all that well, but at the funeral, I got to know her so much better. She was a wonderful person and when she was born she had health problems from her birth and the doctors told the nurses to give her minimal care. He didn't think she would make it a day. The fact she made it 50 years tells me she is a fighter and that is awesome. I know that I will see her again because I know that families can be together forever because of the temple. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the best thing ever. I love it so much. Bye Aunt Wendy, I wish I could have gotten to know you more when you were alive! But, I know I will see you again. I love you 

I don't think you can see this really well, but it's the program. It was a lovely funeral. 

Before the Funeral was over the bishop of her ward read a poem that I loved. 

My first Christmas in Heaven 

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below 
with tiny light, like Heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear 
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. 
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear. 
But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas Choir up here. 
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring. 
For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing. 
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart. 
But I am not so far away, We really aren't apart. 
So be happy for me, dear ones, You know I hold you dear. 
And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above. 
I sent you each a memory of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift more precious more than pure gold. 
It was always more important in the stories Jesus told. 
Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do. 
For I can't count the blessing or love he has for each of you. 
So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear, 
Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

This year Christmas was AWESOME. Daniel had to work Christmas Eve day but he got the night and all day Christmas Day off. It was so great. But he has to work for 2 days straight today through Friday. :( But I'm glad he got the day off yesterday so we could spend it together with my family. It was so fun. 

Our Christmas Tradition with my family is that we draw names and buy a present for a family member that we drew and we open those gifts on Christmas Eve. This year we got my sister Abby. We got her a Teddy bear and Victorious pajamas. We were hoping she would love them. When she opened it she saw the Teddy Bear first and she loved it and then noticed the pajamas and she loved them. Which was awesome. I'm glad we had her this year. My mom also gave an awesome presentation about Christ's birth. This quote stuck out and I love it. It's from President Uchtdorf. "What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” What an amazing quote right? I love it. 

Christmas day came and Daniel and I got to my parents house at 7 and my mom was the only one awake which was strange because me and my siblings woke up at 6 before I got married and moved out. But when we got there they weren't even awake yet. So we went down to wake them all up and they got up and we went to see what Santa brought. We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus then we opened our presents. Daniel wrapped a big present for me and I couldn't wait to open it and as I opened it it was a box wrapped in a box and then it got smaller and smaller and smaller until finally there was a camera. I was so excited for the camera even though he kept wrapping it up in smaller boxes to big boxes so I thought it was a big present. :) he's so silly. Then the other present he gave me was 2 pieces of Blue and Orange turf in a frame for the Boise State bathroom. :) I love him. He's so wonderful. My mom gave me my very first maternity clothes. So excited to wear them. :) I got Daniel a Boise State Sweater, a Drill and the Avengers movie. He loved them. :) We then had a yummy breakfast and went back home and took a nap. :) We were so tired. :) After our nap I didn't feel good at all and threw up (sorry for that image) :( Sometimes being pregnant is so much fun... but it will all be worth it in the end. I can't wait for this baby to come. Anyways, we went to my parents for dinner and I still wasn't feeling all that great. I ate a little bit but not a lot. We went home after dinner and Daniel put in Tangled and we watched that. :) He's so great. 

All in all, it was a great day. :) I can't wait for next year when the baby will be around 6 months (That's so weird to think!!) So I can spoil him/her. Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!!!! :D 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's officially official!! :D

Well, it's finally Facebook official. :) haha I'm really having a baby people!! I'm so excited.

We went to hear the heartbeat and had an ultrasound and when we got there, I was SO nervous. What if we weren't gonna hear the heartbeat? and I told the midwife that and she's like well do you want to start with that? and I was like yes. I do! so she put the heartbeat thing on my tummy and at first we couldn't hear it for like 5 seconds and I was so scared! and then all of a sudden a really fast heartbeat was there and Daniel and I were both so excited. 

Then she did the ultrasound. Oh my goodness that little baby that we don't even know yet is sure stealing our hearts already. He/she is so stinking cute, it kept moving and being so cute. :) Whenever it moved Daniel was like "Oh it moved! It moved again!" he was so cute. :) 

Oh, and I got a new due date. I'm not due on my sister's birthday anymore. We're bummed but I'm now due June 25th instead of June 19th. I'm still so excited. :) 

Baby Romrell, you better be ready for us. We're gonna be the best parents ever. Don't you worry. :) We love you already! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

First year anniversary!!

Well, we did it. We made it a year without killing each other. ;) just kidding. But seriously. I love that guy I'm married to. :) He's so wonderful. He loves to spoil me. :) 

About 3ish months ago he told me that he would surprise me for our anniversary so I thought okay! This is gonna be so much fun! I'm not that great with surprises because I want to know everything and by the time it got closer (about a week before) he's like "so what do you have planned???" I wanted to strangle him every time. :) I kept telling him that he better have something planned or he's gonna be in trouble. :) The day of the surprise came and he kept saying that he doesn't have anything planned. I seriously was going crazy. So we went to Sizzler for dinner (by the way.. the cashier totally thought I was a kid... which is a little weird and I don't know why... I wasn't very happy at the time, but we did save 4 bucks so I guess that's okay. :)) Then he told me that we were gonna go downtown and re enact our "firstish" date (our first first date was a dance but our unoffical first date (I don't count it as a first date... haha) was walking around BSU holding hands (we only knew each other 4 days... haha) and drinking hot chocolate so I guess that is a first date... but anyways, we drove downtown and then he turned into Taco Bell Arena and I was like what are we doing? (by this time I had a thought that he was taking me to Disney On Ice and I was getting really excited but I wasn't getting too excited just in case I was wrong) then the parking attendant was like "are you here for Disney On Ice?" and Daniel was like yep, and I was like OH MY GOSH, I FREAKING LOVE YOU!" It was sooo much fun!! I love him so much, he even thought it was good! So that's good. :) 

Sunday was our anniversary and before we went to church he gave me a pretty necklace and a cute teddy bear that I named Fred. :) Then we went to my parents house and had dinner and after we had our year old wedding cake, I was a little afraid to eat it because it's been in our freezer for a year and I've heard that people didn't like it but when I took the first bite I was so surprised it was SO GOOD! My sisters and brother helped me eat the rest. :)
It was a really good anniversary. This year has been so much fun. Sometimes we have our arguments here and there but there is no one else that I would argue with. ;) Here's to another year! and next year there will be 3 of us!! I am so excited. :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

You know that awesome moment when...

You know that awesome moment when you miss your period and think OH MY GOSH? Then you take a pregnancy test 4 days after and it is POSITIVE??? Yeah, that was me. :) and yes that does mean what you think it means, I AM HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) 

It all started on October 10th when my period didn't come, I was so excited and wanted to take a pregnancy test right then and there, but I decided to wait a little longer just to see if my period was late or if I really was pregnant. the next day nothing so I was like oh my heck, is this really happening? but then I didn't take a pregnancy test just cause I thought I was late. haha but then I didn't take it till Sunday October 14th because Daniel was home from work and I took the test and it was POSITIVE. I was really excited and hugged Daniel and felt like I was hugging him way too tight. :) I was so excited. I wanted to tell my family right then and there! But, I decided to wait a week when everyone would be home, even Hayley so it just worked out perfect but through the week I was getting really anxious and wanted to tell them so bad, it was especially hard not telling my dad because I work with him! There were moments when I just wanted to burst out and say DAD! I'm PREGNANT! but I didn't. I kept it to myself. :) haha 

I went to Planned Parenthood on that Friday and they confirmed it :) I was so excited and found out the due date is on Hayley's birthday (June 19, 2013) and I thought that was awesome and exciting so I texted her and said "So I know what I'm getting you for your birthday already." She texted back and was like "Well what about Christmas?" haha I was like oh shoot. What do I say to that, so I just said "because I already have your Christmas present!!" I didn't really, I just didn't want to give anything away. haha so anyways. I was really looking forward to Sunday so I can finally tell them. I was trying to figure out a way to tell them and my mind went back and forth to what to do! 

Finally Sunday came and I could barely wait!!! Daniel went to get a cake and we put on it "Coming Soon, June 2013" and finally it was time to go there to my family's house and I could barely stand it and we started eating and I kept saying to Daniel, Can I go get the cake? Can I can I can I??? I was kind of annoying him. haha but I finally asked my mom if I can go get the cake and she's like sure so I went and got it and opened it up and asked my mom "Mom, I have a question for you. and she's like okay what? and then I brought it to her and I asked "are you ready to be a Grandma??" She looked at me and was like, oh man, now, I'm gonna cry! and then I said SURPRISE!! and everyone was freaking out and so excited. 

I haven't been to the doctor to get a prenatal appointment yet... but I know I really should soon. haha we tried getting insurance about 3 weeks ago and we weren't paying attention and they were gonna charge us $405.00 a month and we were like um. no. that's way too expensive. and going to the doctor is expensive so we tried applying for Medicaid but we didn't qualify... How sad. so we applied for another insurance company and hopefully we'll get it soon so we can go to the doctor. I am 10 weeks tomorrow. :) I am so excited to have a baby. It's gonna be fantastic. 

I'm gonna be a mommy!!!! :D 

P.S. I don't want to make it Facebook official yet till I go to the doctor and get an ultrasound and make sure everything is okay so if you want to be all excited and comment to me make a comment here or Facebook message me. :) Thanks!!! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

healthy eating update

I'm sure all of you would like to know how I'm doing on my "eating healthy and working out" thing. Well I'm just gonna tell you... I'm not doing very well anymore. haha ever since I started school I haven't been able to work out... and I'm not eating healthy anymore... Whoops. But I am eating HEALTHIER... does that make sense? haha I know, I'm terrible, but the good news is I've lost 6 pounds altogether so far, so that's good, right? :) I'm sure that when I get a break from school I will work out again. but for now, I'm so busy with school that I haven't had time! I'm sure my puppy is bored of being inside all day and not going on a jog. Sorry puppy! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Student teaching

So most of you know this because of my Facebook statuses but I am student teaching this semester!! I love it and today was only my 2nd day!! I love kids so much, I can't wait to have some of my own, but for now I will just have to be the Nursery Leader at church and student teach. :) 

The kids are 3-5 (so it's basically pre-kindergarten) and they are the cutest kids ever and I go in there 6 hours a week. The first day I was there (Wednesday)  I was a little nervous they wouldn't like me (I know, crazy right? haha) but an hour in, they were crowding all over me and wanting me to read a book to them and one of them drew me a picture. :) It was wonderful. So I was really looking forward to going into today. Right when I got there the kids looked up from the teacher at circle time, smiled really big and said "SHE'S HERE!!!!!" It made me smile. I love kids so much. They make a person feel so good. I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester. I'm so sad it's only a semester but I'm going to make the most of it. :) 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The best 9 months of my life

Have I mentioned how much I adore married life? Well I do, I love it a lot. :) My husband is fantastic. I love him a lot. Even though we are poor and he has to work a lot, (sometimes I feel like he is with his client more than he's with me. haha which is kinda true, but I don't want to think about that. haha) 

We've been married 9 months today! Crazy to think about. Cuz if we got pregnant right after the wedding then I would be having a baby now. So weird! In only 3 months we will have our first anniversary. This year has probably been the best year ever. We do have our tiny arguments here and there but we always work it out afterwards. :) 

I'm so glad I had a thought to go as long as possible without liking any guys. I thought it was a crazy thought but I went with it. and 7 months later, I told my friend and she suggested that we have a party if I make it a year! So thanks to JoAnna for suggesting that! and to one of my best friends, Austin. If he didn't move to Boise to do his student teaching here and move into Daniel's ward then he wouldn't have come to the party and bring Daniel with him. So thank you Austin. You are the best. :)

Love you Daniel! Thanks for being the best husband ever! :) 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My best friend- My grandpa

So yesterday it has been 5 years since my Grandpa (my mom's dad) passed away. It's been a really hard 5 years without him. Not being able to talk to him or hug him. It's tough! He had some type of cancer. The doctors never found out what type and that was harder so we knew it was coming but it was still really hard when I found out he died. I wrote a paper on him for one of my classes a couple years ago. I wanted to share it. :)  

When I think of a Best Friend I think of patience, always being there for you, someone who I think you can always trust, someone who you can talk to all of the time, someone who gives you a big bear hug and assures you everything is going to be ok. All of these are what I like to describe my best friend who has recently passed on, my wonderful grandpa. 

My Grandpa was and what I still like to say, one of my Best Friends, he knew when you were feeling down and he could always make anyone laugh or smile, even though he didn’t know you were feeling down or upset, he always found a way to make you feel happy again. 

When I found out he died, I was crushed. I didn’t know if I would ever feel happy again or be the same happy bubbly self that everyone loves me as. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and be sad all my life. I’ve learned that it was his time to go and I just have to accept that he’s gone, even though I didn’t like it at first, but I know he is looking down and is proud of how far I have come and succeeded in school so far. 

Before he found out he was sick, all my family went to Bear Lake to go boating, swimming, anything that was water, we loved to do, now that he’s not here we rarely go anymore and I miss it. We would always go to Bear Lake and go to the beach and water ski, and go tubing. It was so much fun to always go there and just be there with my family and get to know them a lot better. 

When he found out he was sick, he didn’t let that stop him from moping around and feeling sorry for himself. He did the things he loved to do, he didn’t let his sickness stop him from doing the things he loved. Going to his grandkid’s games or events even if it was a long drive, he always found time to be there and cheer us on, and even if he didn’t go he always made sure to call us and find out what had happened. 
It all started in September of 2002, something was wrong with his blood, he kept getting clots and everything felt wrong, he didn’t feel good, he felt sick, he went to the doctors and they found out it was a blood clot and a form of cancer but it seems that the doctors never really got to researching it. It was sad seeing him on some days where he just had to sit and relax and he wasn’t himself. I hated seeing him like that. 

When I was younger, I didn’t think of him as a best friend at all. In fact, I thought he was scary looking because he was so big around the middle, then one day he took me shopping for clothes and ever since then we have been closer than I have ever felt closer to anyone else in my life. 

The thing I miss the most about him are his hugs. He gave the best hugs, he gave them just right. Tight enough that he made you safe but soft enough that he wouldn’t strangle you. I loved his hugs. No one can replace his hugs, even if they tried. 

Whenever I needed to talk to someone, he was always there, even if he was just a phone call away. He always made me feel like I was the most important person along with my other siblings and parents.

I have learned from my grandpa that even if you are “sick” and want to give up on life you must go on and try your hardest to be successful in school or life. I want to thank my grandpa for always being there for me and teaching me how to be a great person. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Living Healthy or Healthy Living?

Hello everyone! So update on my "healthiness" haha if you want to call it that. I've been doing Biggest Loser challenge on the Wii every morning and go on a jog with my puppy every night (sometimes Daniel comes, sometimes he just wants to be lazy... ;) haha) and I've been eating so much healthier!! And I've been doing this for about almost a month now and guess how much I have lost... 3 whoppin pounds!! I posted my status that I lost 3 pounds on August 2nd and still haven't lost any 13 days later Ugh, it's making me very annoyed and impatient. haha but Daniel says that it's because I'm gaining muscle so I'll just keep working at it! But sometimes I just really want a freaking cheeseburger and fries! Why can't those be healthy? Seriously. haha :) 

Friday, July 27, 2012


Hey everyone! :D It's Friday! Yay!!

So, ever since I met Daniel, I've gained like 15 pounds. ugh. not very good haha, (I was 105 when I met him, and 123ish right now so not exactly 15 pounds but close. haha) so this past week, I have started to exercise and eat more healthy. Let me tell you, it's REALLY hard to eat healthier!! ugh! haha I actually just barely started like on Tuesday but I was like okay, I need to lose these pounds I've been gaining like a week ago, So I finally was like okay let's do this. So I'm eating a lot better (it's really hard!! I want a cheeseburger! haha) and I'm doing sit ups and lunges and walking/jogging around my neighborhood every morning and night with my puppy. he loves it. :) and the good news is I've lost almost 2 pounds! I'm so excited! I want to get back to 105. Let's hope I can keep this up! When Daniel's not working at nights he's gonna start walking/jogging with me. :) Wish me luck! haha

Monday, July 23, 2012

New car!

Well! I finally got a new car! Yay. :) I am so excited. I hated my old car so freaking bad. It was a piece of crap. It was a 1995 Ford Escort with only 2 doors, it was hard to fit into the back without people squishing into each other, and the worst part of all it had no freaking air conditioning. Ugh. Oh and sometimes the window would get stuck. Seriously, worst car ever. but it was my first car, so I guess I shouldn't complain so much. but my new car... I LOVE IT!!! It's a 2010 Nissan Versa and I LOVE it. so freaking much. It's got 4 doors, power locks and windows, so much room so I can fit a carseat (not announcing anything... haha) and the best part. AIR CONDITIONING!!!! Yay!!! Daniel loves it too, and he's a little jealous. As he should be. :) hehe 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Where has the time gone?

Hello everyone! 

It's been a while since I blogged! Nothing really exciting has happened since I last blogged. There was 4th of July. That was pretty fun. We went to Melba for the 4th of July Parade and then just chilled at home and then Daniel had to go back to work at 5 so we didn't go back to Melba for the fireworks but it's okay cuz I could hear them from my window so it's all good. Oh, and guess where my family was the week of July 4th? New York City. I know, Rude for not taking me... haha but I've already gone my senior year so it wasn't all that bad, but I wanna go back so bad! 

I'm still in the Nursery. BEST. CALLING. EVER! I love that calling so much. It's teaching me to be patient with kids, I'm not all that patient, but if I want to be a mom, I better be patient. haha 

Daniel's still working nights. I still hate it, but it's okay. We're earning money. I'm still working at my dad's office. I need a new job. I've been working there since June of 2006. Yes. 6 years. I'm ready for a change. haha 

Oh, did I mention that we're both going back to school in the Fall? He's majoring in Psychology (which is cool cuz it has the word Psych in it, and that's my favorite show... Psych. It's not exactly the same... but, I still like it... haha) :) and I have about 2 semesters left. I hate school, but I might as well get it done. My major is Early Childhood Education. Oh, and we're taking a class together. I'm so excited! It's a stretching class. Which I have never heard of... but it's still cool. haha 

Well, I don't think I have anything else to talk about! Hope everyone is doing fantastic! :) 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Daniel's 23!

As of June 16th, Daniel is 23! He's getting so old. ;) hehe we went to Idaho Falls again! It was so fun! 

He had to work Friday night and he got to get off at 9 on Saturday (which was his birthday which is good. he usually gets off at 5 PM :)) So I woke up around 7:45 and took a shower and made him waffles! and when he got home, I was standing at the door by the garage and when he opened the door I held the waffles out and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D He loved that. :) and I also gave him BSU sandles because he lost his about a month before so I got him some. :) Aren't I a great wife? I thought so. :) hehe so anyways, then we left around 10:30 and got to his parents in St. Anthony around 2:30 and we chilled and talked to them for about 2 hours and then we went to Target and got him shirts because he said he needed new shirts. Which was really fun cuz he's not the type of guy who gets really nice shirts. He's the type who gets shirts that have wording on them and really funny. Like this shirt: 

"May your life someday be as awesome as you pretend it is on Facebook." 

I thought it was hilarious. :) haha then we went to Sizzler. SO GOOD. I love that place. then we went back to his parents house and just hung out and watched Castle (He got me into that show! Not as good as Psych, but good! :)) He had a fantastic day. :) 

Sunday: We got up and went to church. Love church! Actually, we just went to Sacrement meeting cuz I wasn't feeling very good. Lame. Then when his mom got home, we had lunch with his grandparents and Banana Cream Pie. SOOOO GOOD! After a while, we went to his other grandma's house and went down by the river and panned for gold. Then we went back and hung out with his grandma and his family then we went back to his parents house. 

Monday: We were going to pan for gold this day but it was too windy. So we just went to his grandma's house and had lunch. I love food. Have I mentioned that? haha I had like 10 pieces of bread. It was bad but good at the same time! We had lunch with his aunt and her kids. It's always fun talking with them. They are fun. :) Then we drove to Ucon, Idaho to visit his sisters. I freaking love them. We played a Harry Potter game and then we went to see Avengers again. That's an awesome movie! I love the Hulk. He's my favorite. :) 

Tuesday: All we did was go gold panning. for 4 hours. We didn't... Okay I just sat there and watched him... haha he didn't find anything. and then we went back and had dinner with his parents. His mom is a great cook! We had potato casserole and salad and macaroni salad (my favorite!) and Peanut Butter Chocolate chip brownies. So good. She got the idea from Pinterest. it's a brownie with Peanut butter and chocolate chips in the middle! SOOOO GOOD!!! 

Wednesday: We drove home. boring. then about an hour after we got home, he had to go to work... lame I know!! 

So it was a good week!! I just love vacations. They are my favorite. 

Oh! and I am going back to school at College of Western Idaho in the fall... Yay? I'm not too excited but I only have 2 semesters left so I might as well get it done. So wish me luck!! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Okay this might be a random post but I am the most paranoid person ever. It's really annoying actually. Ugh. Whenever I call Daniel and he doesn't answer, I go into freak mode and worry that he's dead or got into a car accident or something horrible. but it's usually that he has his phone on silent or he is busy working (good boy. :) haha) or something like that. I don't know why I freak out every. single. time!! Ugh, it annoys me. Anyone have any tips on how to stop this ridiculousness? haha 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wow. Life goes by so fast!

One year ago today -----> This happened

I can't believe it's been a year! Feels like only yesterday we met and started dating! I'm so glad I have him for eternity. :) hehe

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

22 years old

Welp, I'm officially 22 years old as of May 21st at 11:45 PM. 

I had the best birthday ever this year. I just have to brag about my husband first. I have the greatest husband ever. He is always spoiling me at random times. He's the best. I just love him. 

Well anyways, I went to Idaho Falls for my birthday and it was amazing. I got to see Daniel's family. That was great. :) 

We started our journey on May 19th after Daniel got off work. He got home at 5:30 and he got ready, we finally left around 6:15 or so but we haven't eaten, so we went to Subway and then we finally were on the road around 6:45. It took forever. But, I slept most of the way... so it wasn't that bad. :) I think it's funny that when I was younger  and my family and I took a vacation I could never sleep in the car. Now, I can sleep and sleep and sleep when Daniel and I go on vacation. It's wonderful. it makes it less boring. :) haha so anyways, we made it to his parents in St. Anthony around 11, and visited with them for about an hour and went to bed at midnight. 

Sunday we got up and went to Sacrament Meeting where his grandparents were speaking. (They've been on SEVEN missions together. So cool) They just got back, so they were speaking in the ward so we went to listen to them. It was so awesome. It makes me want to go on a couples mission with Daniel someday. that will be so fun. Anyways, after sacrament, we went back to his parents house and had lunch/dinner and his grandparents came and ate with us. It was so good. We had Potato casserole and salad and rolls. Yum! and then after they sang Happy Birthday to me and his mom made me Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies and homemade Oreo ice cream. BEST. THING. EVER. My mommy-in-law is the best. :) Then I got to open a present from Daniel, it was a BSU snuggie. It is so warm! and really big on me. haha but I love it. Then, we went to visit his sisters in Ucon, Idaho. It's about 5 minutes away from Idaho Falls. It was so fun to be with them! While I was there I found out that I am allergic to Bunnies... sad right? I thought so, My eye got so red! It was really sad! I love bunnies! haha but I never got to hold one until this time... anyways after I found that out I got to open another present from Daniel. It was a Tetris board game. So fun. Then we went back to his parents and went to bed. 

Monday: MY BIRTHDAY!!! :) I woke up at about 9:30 and got on Facebook and there were already 21 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! posts on my wall. It made me feel so special! It was amazing. I love being loved. then at noon we went to Daniel's Grandma's house (His mom's mom) and ate lunch and they sang happy birthday. It was great! I love having a birthday. :) and then we went down by the river and panned for Gold (well mostly Daniel did... I thought it was boring... haha) We didn't find any gold. But Daniel did almost got stuck in the mud and it was up to his hip almost. It made me laugh. :) and then we went back home and chilled for a little bit and waited for his mom to get home and we went shoe shopping and went to Texas Roadhouse. I had a blast. Shoe shopping is always fun. :) Especially when you get really cute shoes. I got a pair of tennis shoes and black sparkly dress shoes. I just love shoes!  They are 5.5 inches. So cute. :) 

At Texas Roadhouse I got Baby back Ribs and mashed potatoes. SO GOOD. oh and I also had a million rolls. Oh my heck those things are so good. :) 

While we were there, Daniel gave me the rest of the presents. There was a BSU puzzle, BSU earrings, BSU key chain, socks, BSU shower curtain. let's just say most of the presents were BSU. haha 

Then I got home and got back on Facebook to see all the Happy Birthday posts. Let's just say I love my friends. :) Then we went to bed. It was a fantastic day. :) 

Tuesday: We got up and went to his grandparents (His dad's parents... the one's that went on the 7 missions) and had lunch and got to know them better and took a tour of their home. It was lovely. They have a room that the walls are painted yellow. Let's just say that was my favorite room. Then we went back home and took a nap.

That night we went to Applebees with my best friends and favorite twins Austin and Stefan Wood. Austin is the one that introduced Daniel and I at the party so it was really good seeing them. They are so fun. I love hanging out with them! 

Then we went home and hung out  and chatted with his mom for awhile and we went to see The Avengers. Great movie! I have always loved the Hulk. He's my absolute favorite superhero. :) Then we went home and went to bed. 

Wednesday (today): We got up and left around 10:30 and got home at 3:00 and then Daniel had to go to work at 5. So now I'm home. alone. watching Disney Channel. Fun. Well! at least I had a great week. It was fun!! I love vacations. :) 

These are all my presents that I got for my birthday. 
Most of them are from Daniel. I love him. Did I mention that? :) hehe 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

High School Choir Memories

So last night was the high school choir concert. I always love the end of the year concert because it gives me so many memories of my choir class all 4 years of my high school career. Last night was so amazing. lots of memories. I also remember being the most shyest person ever and never sang out loud before going into that class, but by the end of my senior year, people kept telling me that they could hear me. It made me excited. Anyways, last night was the end of the year concert. It was so good. My old choir teacher Brandi Cook is still there teaching, and she is the most amazing teacher ever. She wants the kids to be successful and want to love music.You can just tell she loves music and wants to share it with everyone. 

Last night as I was watching the concert, a lot of memories came to my head from my senior year and my last concert. I wanted to bawl. but I hate crying. So I didn't. Until the last song, "In My Heart" (that she wrote) came along and that's when it all came out. I bawled through the whole song. It has a lot of meaning because I think she wrote it while I was a senior. I just wanted to go back to my senior year all over again. Whenever I go to a concert especially this one, it makes me want to go back to choir sooo bad. It was so great to be with people with the same love as you and loved to sing. 

Well anyways, enough of that spiel. Let's talk about my sister, Andrea, now. Oh my heck. She is so amazing. If any of you guys went to the concert, there was a dance number between the songs and I am very proud to say that was my sister. She is the best dancer ever. She makes it so easy to love to be related to her. :) haha everyone around me was so amazed at her talent and when she did the splits a guy beside me was like "woah" haha I wanted to say I know! She does that all the time! She's my sister! haha I just love her. :)  

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Ninja's" are evil!

So earlier this week, my thumb got in a fight with a "ninja"  (a type of blender) blade and the blade won. It was really sad. "Why the heck were you touching the blade Emily?" Well, that's a good question... 

Day 1: I was cleaning the kitchen and I was putting away the blender and then the blade was set up just like this picture... and one of the blades got my thumb and it was bleeding for like 2 hours and after the 2nd hour I called Daniel (he was at work) and I was like I think I might have to go to the hospital and get stitches, he just said, just drive here and I will take a look at it. So I drove to where he works and he looked at it, and he was just like, Okay I'll call my boss and ask if I can take an hour off work. So, we went to the hospital and all they said to do was buy some liquid bandaid stuff and it should be fine. So that's what we did! 

Yeah, that looks like it would hurt, right? Yeah, it did. 

Day 1: Sorry to everyone who doesn't like blood! I just wanted to share
what it looked like before we got it all bandaged up and stuff!

Right now it looks so much better than it did. I shouldn't have picked up the blade by the front side. haha I will know next time! :) 
Day 2: Looks all nasty right? Yeah, gross huh? 
Day 3: Looking so much better!

Day 4: A lot better.

Sorry again to people who don't like to see these things!! :) 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm so excited! I just can't hide it!

So, Daniel had to work tonight, and he called me to tell me some exciting news. :) I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! He told me that starting in the summer he will go back to day shifts!!! YES! FINALLY! He will cover some people some nights but I don't care. He will be home most nights and that makes me so freaking happy. Prayers come true people!!! :) hehe love my life. Now you don't have to read my whining all the time. I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Want vs. Need

Have you ever had that feeling where you desperately have baby fever that all you want to do is have a baby and quit your job and stay at home with him/her? Ugh. that is how I feel right about now. I've had baby fever ever since I was about 16 or 17 but now that I'm married all I want is to have a baby. It's really sad actually, cuz every little thing that goes wrong with me I say "am I pregnant?" ugh it's not very healthy... haha but we are no where near close to being ready to have one. We aren't financially ready or we aren't ready for one. We have to grow into this thing called adults... which I am but all I want is to be a kid and stay home and watch Disney Channel... That's no where near being ready to have a kid. It's a huge responsibility.  Hopefully someday soon. Ugh. well that's my rant of the day. Stay tuned. There might be more... :)   

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Bedroom set!

So about a week ago, we got a new bedroom set! Before, our bedroom looked bare and so lame. but now, with our new bedroom set, it looks so pretty and grown up! ;) haha

 It took me awhile to take pictures because we got a queen sized, but our mattress was a full sized so it didn't work and we didn't have pretty blankets so I waited till we got a queen mattress and new blankets. haha I LOVE it! 
Mirror/dresser! :) 
Bed! Isn't it pretty??? 
Nightstand. :) 

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Hello everyone! It's been awhile! Sorry about that. I just didn't have anything to blog about! haha 

So, this weekend, I have my brother and sister and cousin with us while my mom, dad and Andrea are in Utah somewhere (I forget... I think it's Logan cuz they are visiting Hayley too... haha) for Andrea's dance competition. I love my siblings to death, but oh my heck. They have made me realize I am so not ready for motherhood just yet. haha even though they are 10 and 13 and 14, I can't keep up with them! Maybe in a year or so I will be ready, but so not this year. haha and even though they are my siblings, they sometimes weren't listening to me and it was frustrating! Well anyways, that was my rant of the day! :) 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

General Conference

This past weekend was something called General Conference. It's where the President of the Church of Jesus Christ and his presidency and the 12 apostles and members of the Seventy gather together in one place with members of The LDS church and give talks about the church. I LOVE it. I love hearing President Thomas S. Monson. I usually don't talk about my religion a lot, and I honestly have no clue why. But, This weekend I want to try to bear my testimony in church more than I have (which isn't a lot anyways). I have made myself a goal to bear my testimony at least once or twice this year in church. 

I love this gospel so much, I would be lost without it. I love how I can pray to my Heavenly Father anytime I want and he answers prayers. Not right away but he does. I am so thankful for temples. Without it, I wouldn't be sealed to my husband for eternity, not just till death, I'm also thankful for the scriptures. I don't read as much as I should, but when I read them I feel the spirit. I am thankful for my calling in the Nursery. I love those kids already. I'm thankful that that 14 year old boy Joseph Smith felt the need to read James 1:5 and pray which church to join. I am so thankful for everything that is in my life right now. I don't know where I would be without the gospel. I'm thankful that I found a loving husband who loves me for me. 

If you want to know more about my religion you can go to and learn more. :) 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Night Shifts

So remember in my last blog post I said I should be happy that Daniel has a job and I shouldn't complain? Well, I'm complaining right now. I hate it when Daniel works nights. It makes me sad. I can't cuddle. I can't sleep next to my best friend. and on top of that I just started my period (sorry to those that hate to read that people are... but I need to vent) so, I'm in a horrible mood and I'm crying over everything. I know I shouldn't be complaining cuz we are aiming for a car and all. But I need a hug and my husband isn't here to give me a hug and cuddle with me. I just hope I feel better in the morning. Daniel comes home around 9 in the morning and then I have to go to work at noon. and then when I get home, he's back at work at 5. so it's really hard. I really want him to get a day shift so I can be with him at nights, but whatever. I should stop complaining. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Date Night! :)

So yesterday was Date night. :) it was a blast! We had originally planned to have it as a party but no one could come so I was just like, Fine, we'll just do it by ourselves and call it Date night! hehe :) 

We played some Family Feud on the Wii, and made homemade pizza! It was so great spending time with each other. He's been working Wednesday Night, Thursday Night, Friday Night and Saturday day and every other Saturday night every week for about a month now. I admit that I hate it. I hate being lonely at night not being able to cuddle, but it's a good job, so I guess I have to be happy about it. ;) Hopefully he'll get a day shift soon, but first we agreed that if he goes through the summer doing the night shifts we would get me a new car. and I NEED a new car. I have the worst car ever. haha so I just need to change my attitude and think that I will have a new car soon. :) 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Most people don't know this, Well okay, A lot of people don't know this, but before I met Daniel I was thinking of going on a mission. I  had started the mission papers about 2 days before I met him and I told him I was getting my paperwork done and then we started dating and I was like, I really don't want to go anymore. He told me, well since you've started them you should finish them and see what happens. Well as you can tell, I didn't finish them. :) I was seriously about to turn them into the Stake President and all. But things change. and honestly, I don't think I could have went, I would have been so scared. I mean, it would have been a great opportunity for me but, things change and before I knew it he was kneeling down on one knee and proposing. :) Married life is fantastic. I love it. Who knows! We might go on a couple mission when we are older! That would be fun!! :) 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My poor dog. :(

Ever since we've got Domino, he's had Kennel Cough. :( It stinks cuz I hate hearing him sneeze and cough and being sick. and he got neutered too, so he was hurting too. Today I came home from work and he was outside so I let him in, and immediately he threw up in my house. TWICE. I felt so bad for him! and then I took him outside just in case he threw up again and yes he threw up again. So I called Daniel (he's at work) and told him he's thrown up 3 times and he told me to call the vet. Long story short, We are going to the vet tomorrow. Let's hope they find out if it's still Kennel Cough or something else that's making him sick. Pray that he feels better! (I know he's just a dog, but still. He's a part of our little family. :)) 

Monday, February 27, 2012

New dog Domino! :)

                 So... we have a dog! :) I am so gosh darn excited! Well, all of you are probably wondering... "Why do you have a dog? I thought you couldn't have one?" Well let me tell you. We have to pay 25 extra bucks to have him, but it's okay! I have a dog! :) 

It all started around 7 when Daniel came home from work for about 2 minutes cuz he wanted to see me or something... ;) (lol that's what he told me he has to work all night tonight so I'm glad he came home for a while. :)) and I was just sitting in my room watching TV and he came in with Domino and I asked umm... who's dog is that? he said ours! I was like really? But, we aren't allowed to have dogs! Then he told me he talked to them and we just have to pay an extra $25. So anyways! We now have a dog and he has been so good! He rarely ever barks and he's so sweet. I love him already. :) 

Monday, February 20, 2012


So you all probably know by now that Psych is my favorite favorite TV show.  I am sooo excited for the season premiere in just 9 days. It's gonna be a great great day. :)

Check out the preview 


Oh and being married is SOOO FUN! :) 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

I had the best Valentine's Day ever! I always have good Valentine's Day's because I have my family to spend with, but this time it was with my husband. It was so great. :) 

At first, I had to clean my dad's office like I do every Tuesday and Saturday, then Daniel met me there and came in with a flower. :) aww what a cutie and then when I was finished cleaning the office we decided to go to Golden Corral but there was a HUGE line, so we decided on Sizzler. YUM! and then we went back home and he had Red Velvet Torte. IT WAS SO YUMMY! It was so great. I'm so spoiled. :) Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! Mine was good! :) hehe

Monday, February 13, 2012

hehehe :)

I always say that January 22nd 2011 changed my life forever, but one year ago today it really changed my life forever. I went to Church and Daniel was coming over for dinner and I couldn't stand it. I wanted to see him so bad! I didn't see him for 2 days before that. (I know that seems really  lame that it was just 2 days but I really liked him at this point!) He finally came and I was downstairs and my mom yelled for me that he was here and I was SOOO excited! I got upstairs and there he was in his church clothes and his red hair (he had it dyed before I met him. his hair is really brown.) and I thought, oh man he is so attractive. He was so cute. I thought to myself, how did I get so lucky? So anyways, we ate some dinner played the Wii and the time went by so fast that it was time for him to go. I was really sad because I didn't know when I was going to see him again (We lived about an hour away from each other... he lived in Boise, I lived in Nampa. It sucked) 

I went outside with him to his car and we talked for about an hour, it was great. :) and we were talking about how much we really liked each other. We kissed and he said "I think I love you" I was like AHH!!! Oh my gosh! That's so weird! I've never had anyone love me before! I almost peed my pants. I was so happy. I didn't love him yet though. Well, that's what I thought, I actually didn't know yet.

Anyways, I don't really remember what he actually said because I was so excited that he told me he loves me but I did hear the words "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" TWO things that I thought I would never hear in my life!!! :) So I was like, UM YES! :) It was so great. 

Happy 1 year of being together Daniel Malachi Romrell. I love you so much. You are the greatest. :) 

This is our first date picture. 2 days before he asked me to be his girlfriend :) 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hello again! :)

Okay, I know I haven't really blogged in awhile, but that's probably because I don't really have anything exciting to blog about... lol but, on Monday is a year since we've started dating!! :) I don't really have anything planned for it... :/ I hope he does. But it's okay if he doesn't, cuz the next day is Valentine's day (Isn't that super cute? I thought so. :) hehe) and he better have something planned or he's gonna get kicked in the shin. ;) haha just kidding dear. I love you!

Oh, and I have another Jimmy Fallon video for you all to watch. He's so great, If I ever have the chance to go to New York again, I will go see him. He's my favorite. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Subway Subs across America

So, I watch Jimmy Fallon. He is stinkin hilarious. He asked everyone across America to record themselves with a Subway sandwich in front of a landmark in their own area and catch it from their right side and passing it to their left side so it looks like they are passing it from state to state. It's the coolest thing ever!!! So I decided that I was going to post it cuz it's so great. :) 

Subs across America  <---- Click there. :) 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ward mishap?

So, Daniel and I were just sitting in our house minding our own business and all of a sudden we hear a knock on our door. We were like, what the heck? Who is that? We never get company so we were kinda confused! haha so I opened the door and there was this guy standing there, and I was like uhh.. hi! He's like hi, I'm a member of the Elder's quorum in the Kuna 11th Ward, and I just wanted to say hello! We were like wait, aren't we in the 13th ward? He said that we are on the boundary of the 13th ward but are still in the 11th, so I was like well that's rude of haha anyways, so we gave him our information and found out he's a chiropracter that refers patients to my dad. So that was really cool! So anyways, we are in the Kuna 11th Ward now. :) Hopefully, it's a good ward! We'll find out next week! :) 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

One Year. :)

One year ago today Daniel and I met.:) It was a lovely story too. Click here if you don't know the best story ever or if you just want to read it again. :) hehe enjoy!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Woah, I was just thinking today and I realized that I have been married to Daniel for 6 weeks yesterday... SIX WEEKS PEOPLE! Holy moly! Life goes by really fast, you just have to embrace it and hang on! :) 

and also yesterday we've been together for 11 months... SO WEIRD! It feels like only yesterday that we just met! 

I am so glad that we met and at first he didn't want to date me. He tells me that I was too clingy... but who believes that? ;) haha but he changed his mind and he tells me that he's glad he changed his mind. :) awww. how cute. I'm glad he changed his mind too! :) 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Important day in history... well for me. :)

This is a very important day in history.... Well for me. :) Because 2 years ago today I decided to give up boys for a while. Who knew that 2 years later, I would be married? I sure didn't. 

A couple days before I decided to not like boys for a while, my crush at the time was giving me mixed signals and driving me crazy. All my other crushes never ever commented on my pictures and said "Pretty!" and then when I asked him if he wanted to come over he would say "I can't, I'm busy" It drove me insane! So I was like "okay, that's it." I wrote him a letter and said something like "Okay, I like you, but you have been giving me mixed signals ever since I've known you and it's driving me insane, no other guys that I have liked have never ever said I'm pretty or anything like that. So I would really love to be friends with you." and I sent it to his facebook inbox. 

It took him about a day to respond. I about died. I was like oh my goodness, did I make a mistake???? Is he still gonna want to be friends with me??? and finally, he responded and was like (Okay, I don't remember exactly what he said, but this is sort of what he said) "Oh my goodness, Emily, I am so sorry, That's just how I am. I am sorry that I was giving you mixed signals. I would still love to be friends with you." 

So anyways, after that happened, I told myself "Maybe I should go without guys for awhile." and 7 months later, I told my friend that I've gone 7 months and she's like "well if you make it a year, I will throw you a party!" So I made it a year, and I must say that it was the hardest year of my life. It was really hard not liking guys! haha but that's a different story. I'm so happy I went a year without a guy and had a party for it. If I didn't go a year or had a party and if Daniel didn't come to the party, I would have never met him. So it's good he was there. :)

I know I have thanked them a lot already but I want to thank my friends. JoAnna Lang for thinking the party would be a good idea, and for Austin Wood for moving to Boise that year and that Daniel was in his ward so he could bring him to the party. I love you guys!!! :)