Wednesday, August 28, 2013

2 months today! :)

Wow, I cannot believe that my baby boy is already 2 months old. It's been such a fun 2 months. His personality is starting to show and it's SO much fun! He is 11 pounds 11 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long. (He was born 7 pounds, 10 oz and 20 inches) 

He smiles A TON now. It's so cute :) 

He loves to focus on faces 

He hates bath time. But it's probably my fault. I should check the water more than I do. He screams and cries until he's dressed. Sorry bub. 

He likes to kick and move around on the floor

He's not too fond of Tummy time... He likes it for about 5 minutes then he gets frustrated. 

When other people are holding him and he starts to cry and scream and then I take him he calms down. So I think he's gonna be a mommy's boy. ;) 

He loves to eat :) 

When he was almost 3 weeks old he started sleeping through the night. 6 hours at night. I thought I would try the carseat for a little bit and he was sleeping 6 hours then 7 then 8! It was fantastic! But he can't sleep in the carseat forever so the other day I tried his crib in our room and the first night he woke up every 3 hours so I was afraid it was gonna take forever to get used to but the 2nd night he slept 6 hours. Apparently he got used to it cuz he slept 8 hours the next night! So I'm happy about that. :) I hate to brag but my baby is an AWESOME sleeper. :) 

He loves it when I stick my tongue out at him. He thinks it's so funny :) 

He is starting to try and laugh. haha it's cute. 

He only ever cries when he is hungry or tired. The other day he kept throwing temper tantrums though. He was probably going through a growth spurt. 

He's pretty much a happy boy all the time. I love him lots. Daniel and I got super blessed with a great baby. :) I just hope he continues to sleep through the night when he gets older :) 

Love you little man! 

He just loves talking to Grandma. :) 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

6 weeks old already

Wow, you guys. Max is almost 6 weeks already. That is just crazy to me. I feel like he's gonna be 18 and on a mission before I know it. It makes me sad. haha he is so cute and a really good baby. He only ever cries when he's hungry or tired, other than that he is a happy one. He started smiling about 2 weeks ago and it's the cutest thing ever. He is sleeping about 4-6 hours at night. It's so awesome!!! :D 

His baby blessing was Sunday August 4th. We did it in my parents ward in Melba, Idaho. It was such a great day. Daniel did an amazing job. He said a lot of great things and I was going to write down in a journal but I forgot one! But I do remember that he said he was named after his Great Grandpa and the ones before him for their integrity and honesty. He also said that he encourages him to get all the education he can. Honestly that's all I remember. :/ oops. but it was a very special day. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is the best thing ever and I'm so thankful that I found an eternal companion that has the priesthood and was able to bless him. I love him so much. 

Max Daniel with his Great Grandpa Max Daniel. :) 

He is a great baby. We love him so much. :)