Friday, July 5, 2013

He's here, he's here, he's here!!!

Max is FINALLY here!!! I am SO excited. He is the cutest baby boy in the entire world. It's quite the story of how he came into this world.

I was due June 25th and through that day I was really looking forward to contractions and getting him out of me, but nothing was happening.

We went to bed without having any contractions and then on June 26th and around 2:00 AM I felt my very first contraction. It wasn't that big so I didn't know it was a contraction, it just felt kinda funny and then Daniel went to work they were getting stronger and more painful and around 11 I called him and told him that I was having contractions and he said to keep him updated, and around 2ish they were getting so painful I really wanted Daniel home so I called him and told him they were getting painful and stronger and I wanted him home and he said that he's gonna come home after work and see what happens. So I took a bath and that seemed to work a little bit. I was never so happy to have him come home at 5:30. We timed the contractions and they were getting stronger and they were about 8 minutes apart. He helped me through them and then around 7:00 I was having horrible pain in my back and my lower tummy that I couldn't take it anymore, so we called the midwives and they said to come in. We got there around 8:00 and they checked me and I was at a 6! I couldn't believe it because the day before I was at a 1. So we did all the things to get through the contractions but they were kinda slowing down so my midwife told me to get some rest at 11:00 and around 2:00 I was getting more contractions and Daniel helped me through them by holding my hand and telling me to breathe and try to get through them. He was a wonderful birthing coach. 

Then I got more rest and woke up around 6 and started to get through them again. They checked me again and I was still at a 6 and his head wasn't dropped at all. I was really frustrated because it was hurting and my back was killing me. We tried the birthing ball and walking around outside and all that to try to get more dilated. I wasn't dilating at all. I kept doing everything I could. My mom was there to help me through the pain. If she and Daniel weren't there I don't know what I would have done. I probably would have quit and wanted the epidural much faster. 

Around 7:00 that night I was crying and my back was hurting and I wanted to quit and just get the epidural and they checked me again to see if I had progressed, I didn't. I was still between a 6 and a 7. We talked and decided the best thing to do was to finally go to the hospital and get the epidural. 

Once we got to the hospital my contractions were awful, I wanted the epidural right away but I had to sign papers and all that stuff and I just wanted to die. 

Once we got into the room they did IV's and more paperwork and I seriously felt like dying. It felt like the anesthesiologist was taking forever to put the epidural in. He FINALLY got into the room and I got the epidural and within minutes I didn't feel a thing. I was smiling in about 2 minutes. Literally. I felt so much better. They checked me again an hour later and I was about an 8!! I was so excited, but his head was still not dropping and he was sunny side up. They kept checking me and they finally broke my water and it literally felt like a waterfall coming out. It was really gross. haha I was at a 9 after that! I was so excited. 

Around 2:00 in the morning they checked me again and unfortunately I went back to a 7. I was really sad because by this time they were talking about doing a C section and I didn't want that because I wanted to see what a vaginal delivery would feel like. I kept praying and praying that it wouldn't be a C section. 

Around 5:00 the nurse checked me again and I still was back at a 7 and we just decided the C section would be better. I was really excited to finally meet my son but really sad at the same time because I did not want a C section. He just wasn't dropping.

I got into the room where they were going to do the C section and I was shaky (from the numbing medicine) and I didn't feel good and I wanted Daniel in the room with me (They don't let the significant other in the room at first). He finally got there and the procedure started and before he came out I told myself that my life was about to change forever. He finally came out on June 28th at 6:02 in the morning. When they were weighing him and cleaning him off I was like "oh hey look a baby is in the room, that's cool." then it dawned on me that he was my baby!! He is here!! 

He is amazing. I love him so much. He loves to sleep and eat and poop. Except he doesn't like to sleep from about 2-5 in the morning. But other than that he is great and perfect and SO cute. They figured my pelvis was too small to deliver vaginally. The doctor told me that for my next baby I will have a 50-50 chance of delivering vaginally. So I might just have to do C sections from now on. I'm almost recovered and it doesn't hurt as much to laugh or talk or cough. :) haha 

mommyhood is fantastic, but I do miss my sleep. :) haha