Friday, April 17, 2015

Power of prayers

I believe in prayers. They work and Heavenly Father is real. Tuesday night I lost my wedding ring. I just went to clean the kitchen and after I noticed my ring wasn't on and I was so sad. I looked EVERYWHERE for it. I looked in the trash like 3 times. I looked in the dishwasher. I looked on the kitchen floor a million times. I know Max didn't take it because he was asleep when I lost it and I know Daniel didn't take it and hide it because he was at work. I went all day Wednesday without it and I was getting so sad and worried that it was gone forever. On Thursday I was so overwhelmed and I wanted my ring back really bad that I finally just broke down and bawled. I was literally crying because it's an expensive piece of jewelry. Between my tears I prayed to Heavenly Father and said Heavenly Father I need my ring back, please help me find it! Or something like that. Haha (of course I prayed a lot before that too) and then I put Max to bed a few hours later and then an hour or so later I wanted some mashed potatoes and green beans so I got a pan out and went to the stove and looked down and saw my ring. I literally almost cried. I was so happy and confused because I looked there a million times. Heavenly Father knows just how impatient I am so he probably thought it would be funny to hide my ring and teach me patience. :) It wasn't funny at the time. Haha but I'm so thankful for prayers. He knows each and every one of us. :D I just hope he doesn't hide it from me again. ;) Haha 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Baby no. 2!!

Well guys! It's official! I'm having another baby!!!! Yay!!! We are SO excited!!! I'm due November 11th but I might have a repeat c section so that means the baby will be here a week earlier. I am so so so excited.

It didn't take as long this time so when I found out I thought I was going crazy. All month from the time I found out to my appointment I thought it was all in my head and I wasn't really pregnant. When I saw that baby on the ultrasound I almost teared up. I was so relieved I'm not really crazy. ;)

To announce it to my family I had Max wear a shirt that says Big Brother and had them see how long it took for them to notice. Not very long. ;)

On social media, I had him hold a sign that says "every troublemaker needs a sidekick mine arrives November 2015." it was so fun. :)

We are so excited to have another baby join our family. We are hoping for a girl this time. :)