Wednesday, September 28, 2011

64 days and Engagement pictures

Holy moly! we are getting so close it's crazy! We took engagement pictures this last weekend, never had so much fun in my entire life! It was so fun taking pictures with him, he usually doesn't like taking pictures but he said it was a lot of fun taking pictures with me. :) aww, anyways, here are some sneak peeks. I haven't even seen all of them! I'm dying here! I'm so excited, I can't stand it! :) anyways, here's the sneak peeks! enjoy!

Personally this is my favorite one so far. but that's just me. :) hehe

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What's been going on. :)

Oh my goodness, I totally can't figure out how this happened! I swear yesterday it was 185 days, NOW IT'S 74  TILL MY WEDDING!! I can't wait. it's going to be one of the best days of my life. 

Speaking of one of the best days ever, WE ARE TAKING ENGAGEMENTS ON SATURDAY!!!!!!! I can't wait!! We are leaving on Saturday at 7 in the morning and we are going to Idaho Falls. Our Photographer is Jaimee Young. She's actually Daniel's sister's sister. (I know that probably doesn't make sense, but him and his sisters got adopted by different family's) so it'll be a good day. 

Oh, and Friday the 16th was another BSU game against Toledo and it was a little scary at first, but they won! you just have to have a little faith in them! :) 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Wedding registry! :D :D

That's our registry. It's ridiculous how excited I am for this. :) I can't wait! It's so crazy that I'm so close to getting married!! Never in my life would I have thought that I would be 21 and engaged. Tomorrow, we are gonna finish registering at Target and maybe get some more stuff at Bed Bath, and Beyond. Oh my goodness! Ah!! 83 more days! :) I can't wait. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Football Season!

This weekend was a total blast! and you know why? Well, I'll tell you...


That's right, my broncos beat the stinkin bulldogs over this weekend. And I couldn't be happier and excited! I'm so freaking happy! I was a little nervous, not gonna lie, but I'm soooo excited they won. :D