Monday, October 28, 2013

4 months old

Today my baby is 4 months old! I cannot believe how time is flying by! He is so much fun and I love being his mommy. I took him to his 4 month appointment on Thursday and he had to get his shots. :( It was a hard day. He was so miserable all day. I felt so bad for him. 

He weighs 14 pounds 9.5 ounces (36 percentile) and is 25 1/4 inches long (62 Percentile) and I don't remember them telling me how many inches his head is but it's in the 24th percentile! haha he is getting so big and so much fun. 

When he's on his back, he can roll over. He's still working on front to back. He's done it a couple times but just by accident. haha. 

When he's REALLY happy he can laugh. I love it when he laughs. It's the cutest thing in the world. 

We are working on sitting, I am borrowing a bumbo chair thing so I hope it helps. 

It takes him awhile to warm up to people, especially my family but once he warms up he LOVES them and smiles at them. 

He HATES being tired during the day. He only takes 1 or 2 naps and they aren't very long but when he is REALLY tired during the day, he can take a 2 hour nap. 

He LOVES looking at his hands. He cries and then his hands come in view and he automatically stops and gets distracted by them. It's the cutest thing ever. 

We started him on Rice Cereal about 2 weeks ago. He was only sleeping every 3 hours and I was SO tired and I tried rice cereal (at first he did not like it one bit) and he slept 6ish hours and I was so happy. haha and then just little by little he was sleeping 10 hours! It was fantastic! The night he got his shots he slept 11 hours. It has been REALLY awesome getting some good sleep. (I hope I'm not bragging really bad... if I am... SO SORRY.) 

He has been an awesome baby, I'm just wondering how all my babies will be. haha I hope they are as good as Max is. (Probably just jinxed myself. lol) I love being a mom. It's the greatest job in the world! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thankful for an amazing husband and all you single moms!

So the other night Daniel was working the night shift and I am usually used to taking care of Max when he works nights but the night before he was up every 2 hours wanting to eat and going through a growth spurt and I was so tired and he woke up and it was around 11 and I fed him and he was not going back to sleep. He was wide awake and I broke down and bawled and basically had a mental breakdown. I called Daniel and through my tears I was like "Don't you ever leave me. EVER! I can't do this alone!!" He was probably like "umm... I won't?" haha I was a little dramatic but it was mostly from my lack of sleep. haha 

My point of this story is that I'm thankful for my husband AND all those single moms out there. I don't know how they do it without someone by their side. But I was thinking about it the other day. What if something happens and we fall out of love or one of us dies? I know it probably won't happen but I couldn't help thinking that. It scared me. A lot.

I have a great husband. He works SO hard and I'm so thankful he's letting me stay home with Max. He's the greatest. He's the most important person in my life. I never thought I would find someone who cares so much for me and loves me. Before that party happened, never in my mind would I thought that I would meet my eternal companion there. I know I was supposed to go a year without liking guys. I know I was supposed to have that party (Thanks JoAnna! :) haha) I know we were supposed to meet. I love you Daniel!! You're my favorite! :D