Tuesday, December 13, 2011


So this will be a random post, but I'm super bored. So it will be most likely boring. haha 

So next Wednesday we leave for Vegas. We're gonna stop in Utah and stay at my grandma's for the night so we don't have to drive a million hours in a row. Cuz I hate long road trips as it is as you might know. :) anyways, We'll be stopping in Utah in West Valley for the night at my grandma's house. Then we'll be leaving the next day for Vegas. We'll be going to the Maaco Bowl (I AM SOOOO EXCITED FOR THAT GAME!) and then sleep in Vegas for the night in a CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP hotel. Cuz we aren't that rich. But I guess paying for hotels in Vegas isn't that expensive... cuz it's Vegas and people gamble all the freakin time. lol  

Then the next day on the 23rd we are driving to Mesa, Arizona for his family reunion. I am so excited to meet the rest of his family. It will be a great 3-4 days. :) I can't wait for it. The whole trip is basically is my honeymoon. I am sooo excited!! 

Oh, did I mention that my sister is coming home in 2 days for Christmas break? I'M SO GOSH DARN EXCITED! that's all. :) 


  1. We did Arizona/California/Vegas for our Honeymoon. Enjoy the warmth while you can! And Congrats again hun:)

  2. Hey! I'm that sister! I can't wait either! It shall be a grand ole time!

  3. Stop in Texas on your way to Arizona!! :]
