Monday, November 7, 2016

Hazel is 1!

I have been slacking on keeping up on my blog. Hazel is now 1! The last time I wrote a post about her is when she was 6 months. Yeah... I'm pretty sure I kept up with Max more. Oops. Sorry Hazel. #momfail

Hazel Lynn turned one on November 4th! It's so crazy how time flies. She loves everything that has to do with being big. She's hilarious cause she's so little. She hates baby food and will eat anything you put in front of her. Which is awesome since her brother isn't like that at all. He freaks out everytime I put something new in front of him. Kind of annoying but glad I don't have to deal with it with 2 kids. haha she's standing and crawling and is so busy busy busy it's exhausting. haha 

Seriously, you guys. She's the best. I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't in the family. (that's cheesy. but it's true. haha) I just love being her mom. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Max is 3!

Max is 3! You guys! Can you believe that?? Time is going by so fast! He's still supposed to be a baby. We had a construction party for him and I just have to say it rocked. I planned a great party! :) 

It was so fun! But it's all thanks to pinterest. Cause if I didn't have that I have no clue what I would do... haha 

-He can count to 3 
-He knows some shapes
-He loves being outside
-He loves to tease
-He's so much better with people ever since Hazel was born
-He loves any type of truck and gets excited whenever he sees one 
-He's getting way better at bathtime
-He loves giving hugs and kisses (especially "fart" kisses. Daniel taught him that one... haha)
-isn't potty trained yet. Tried but he's not ready. 
-loves going to nursery
-loves bubbles
-loves books
-still working on trying new foods. 

He's so fun and I can't believe he's 3. Time can slow down now... 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

6 months!

I haven't blogged in forever! I guess I always kept forgetting. Last time I blogged Hazel was only a month old. Now she's 6 month and the best thing ever! :) She's still tiny at almost 12 pounds. She can roll over (Only when she really feels like it) she loves when people talk to her, likes to grab everything in sight, she loves bathtime and sitting up with help. She hates being tired, having dirty diapers and tummy time. She sleeps anywhere between 6-10 hours at night. She takes 3 naps and is a happy girl. When she's not happy it's either cause she doesn't feel good or tired. We just love her so much! Max adores her and ever since she was born he has been doing A TON better with people. Like, seriously guys. Remember when he would scream and think he was dying when people were holding or touching him? Doesn't happen anymore. He likes people. Hazel being here has seriously changed him. It's crazy.

Speaking of Max. He will be 3 (THREE!) next month!!! So crazy!!! Time goes by SO fast! 

I love being a mommy! :) Even though sometimes they make me want to pull my hair out and drive me bonkers, I love them so much and I can't imagine them not in my life.