Well, It's been 3 months since I last blogged. The last time I did it was Max's birthday, now he will be 15 months tomorrow! (Sept. 28th) It's crazy how time flies! So I guess I'll update you on our little family. :) hehe
Since his birthday, Max got his first haircut. How cute is he?! :)
He started walking! He's now a pro walker. He was about 13 months when he officially started walking.
He has 6 teeth and is teething more. I hate teething. It's the worst thing in the world, but he does sleep at night, and he's just really grumpy during the day so I guess I shouldn't complain too much right? ;)
He can say ow, go, tickle, wiggle, cracker (He only said it once. Daniel told him to say it cuz he was holding it and he said it. It was adorable. He hasn't said it again but he said it so it counts. :) lol) and he said more once when Daniel was eating cereal and he gave him a bite and then he wanted more by screaming haha and Daniel said do you want more? say more and he said more. It was so cute! He can also say ball (ba) so he can say a few words! It's been so fun.
He still hates bathtime. Still. He still screams. It's been really annoying but now I just have to laugh cuz it's ridiculous how much he hates it. I don't even put him in the bathtub and he sees the water and starts crying. I'm going to talk to his doctor about it and see what he says... I am really hoping he starts loving it soon.
He is in size 4 diapers. We will be going to the doctor soon for his 15 month check up but at his year check up he was 21.10 pounds and 28 inches long. I'm pretty sure he's bigger than that now (At least I hope... haha)
He goes to bed at 8:00-8:30 and wakes up at 8 the next morning. It's so amazing. haha
He is still eating pureed food. Daniel makes the food, it's pretty cool. But, we really need to start giving him real food. He does love waffles and cereal but other than that, he's pretty picky about real food. He used to love Chicken Nuggets but now he just spits it out. So hopefully soon he will be eating real food and we won't have to make it pureed.
He takes a 2 hour nap everyday. That's my time to exersise and be by myself... ;) lol
My mom came over a couple weeks ago and took some pictures of him and it was the cutest thing. I love that my mom loves taking pictures because it's free. ;) hehe she took a lot but I'll just share a few of my favorites. :)
He wasn't happy about changing places so we could get more pictures. ;) Love this one. hehehe |
He's such a fun little man. I love him so much.
As for me! I got my foot surgery on July 18th (For those that don't know I had an extra bone by my ankle and it was hurting when I was active so I was always lazy... haha so they removed it) I feel so much better but the first couple weeks I couldn't do anything so my family had to watch Max and it was not fun for both of us. We stayed at my parents for a week and a half and it was so helpful. I couldn't walk for 4 weeks so I crawled everywhere (When I didn't want to use my crutches) and I could walk in my boot the last 2 weeks. Now I can walk everywhere. :) It still hurts a little bit but it feels so much better than it was before the surgery. It's getting a lot better. I should have got it done when I was 18 and husbandless and babyless but I finally got it done and I'm glad. I can now exercise and I'm trying to lose this baby weight and my pooch. haha I am trying to lose 18 pounds and get back to the weight where I met Daniel. I've lost 1 pound so I'm getting there slowly but surely. :) I need to work on my eating and then I'm sure I'll get it... But I'm feeling a lot better so that's good!!! :D
Daniel is doing good, he still has fibromyalgia but I'm hoping in the next couple weeks my best friend who sells plexus will be able to send us some to try (I've heard that it helps with Fibromyalgia so he's gonna try it) and help him feel better. Some days are good but some days he just doesn't feel good and it makes me sad. He's still working for LIFE, Inc. (A developmentally disabled agency) he loves working there. He is basically a babysitter. haha He's been working there for about 3 years.
Well that's about it, Daniel and I are coming up on our 3 year wedding anniversary in a couple months. It's crazy how time flies! Hope you all are doing great!!! Thanks for reading! :D