Sunday, December 28, 2014

My baby is 18 months old

It's really hard to believe that 18 months ago my baby was born... He is seriously the best little human in my life. He doesn't really like to go to anyone else other than me...  I have no idea what is wrong, but whenever I leave he screams and cries and it's like he's getting murdered. He's fine when I'm not in view but as soon as I leave he freaks out. But we are working on it. :) He started nursery a few weeks before he was 17 months, so hopefully he will start to like people really soon and not freak out like he's dying. haha 

We are still working on eating real food. He still loves to eat it pureed but he has recently discovered that he can feed himself with a fork and spoon and has slowly been eating real food. It's been great not having to blend it all up. haha 

He has 10 teeth now! His molars are coming in now FINALLY. He got his first tooth at 8 months and they've just been slowly coming in. Teething is the WORST. I feel bad though because he was teething and got a tooth without me realizing. I mean I knew he was teething but I didn't know his tooth came in. I have no idea how long it was there before I found it. Oops. :) So now he has 7 in the front and 2 molars on the top and 1 molar on the bottom. I can't wait for this teething phase to be over with! 

He can say mommy, daddy, hi (his favorite word) bye, Abby, tickle, wiggle, owie, yeah, no, more, uh oh, sorry, potty (he's not ready for it yet but he says it after I do) and he says amen (men) after we say the prayer (cutest thing ever) and my most favorite word of all is thank you. :) It's the most cutest thing ever how he says it. I give him something and he smiles really big at me and says it like ankyou! It makes my heart melt. He's my favorite. 

We are getting better at bath time! Which is amazing cuz I thought he would hate it forever. The doctor told me to just ignore him and get it done. So I did that once and ever since then he hasn't screamed or cried unless he gets water in his eyes. He doesn't like to sit. So we just stand up. As long as he's not screaming it's okay with me. :)

He still takes a 2 hour nap and goes to bed around 8 and doesn't wake up till 8 the next morning. 

He can (sort of) count to 2. I say 1 he can say 2. :) 

He loves legos and anything you can put together and put back. 

These past 18 months have gone by so fast, I can't believe how big he's getting. Sometimes I want to cry because he's getting way too big and miss him being a baby but I can't wait to see more of the things he can do. 
He'd rather cuddle with me than play with his toys. :) I will miss this someday so I'm going to enjoy it. :) 

How cute is he?! 

Major bed head :) 

Making progress with Grandma :) 

He wasn't a fan of Santa this year. :) 

He took all the dishes and pots out and crawled in... the turd. ;) 

Love this picture. :) 

Making sure we get everything on our shopping list. :) 

New Suit! :D Adorable 

Happy 18 months Max Daniel. I love you :) You are the best human in my life! Even when you drive me crazy. :) hehe 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

3 year anniversary

Yesterday, Daniel and I celebrated our 3rd year anniversary! It's gone by SO fast but it also seems like we've been together forever! We'll be officially together 4 years in February. That's really not that long, but it seriously feels like we've been together like 10 years. Crazy. We drive each other crazy sometimes and I annoy him more than I should, but he still loves me and I can't see myself with anyone else. All those guys that gave me the "friend talk" were worth it. It's been a really great, hard, but fun 3 years and I honestly can't wait to spend more with him. He's the best. 

We celebrated on Saturday by going to Sizzler for lunch with Max and he got a babysitter for the BSU game and we went to that, It was so much fun and being with my husband and son was great! :D Then, for our anniversary, Daniel didn't get home from work till like 6 and he brought home Taco Bell and we decorated our Christmas tree and we watched Smallville. Haha it wasn't much, but it was fun to spend time with my little family. :) 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Losing weight! :D

I have been trying to lose weight since end of August (I think August 29th, since my doctors appointment to say that I've been healed was August 27th) and since then I have lost 5 pounds, gained 1 pound (I think I am gaining muscle so I'm okay with losing a pound) but the best part? I've lost 3 INCHES!!!! I am SO excited. I never thought I would love working out so much! Sometimes I am so lazy though that I just want to sit down and do nothing but watch TV (I do it while Max is taking a nap so you moms can understand... haha) but on those days I do crunches so I'm at least still doing something. I'm so excited that I am seeing changes.

Before my surgery, I was so lazy and just sat and played with Max. It hurt to walk far places. I'm so glad I FINALLY got that extra bone out of my ankle. I still have a while to go, but I'm so glad I'm seeing changes instead of me gaining. It makes me happy. I feel like I'm dying during the workout and want to give up but then I feel good after and see that I'm losing and I am still working out. It's fun somedays! :) 

I've been thinking about showing these pictures because I don't like them... I look like I'm pregnant still. Icky, But I want to see the changes in a couple months so I will add them. It's hard looking at them, I want to be skinny and it will happen. I just have to keep working out and eating good, )which I have been doing really well. I use to eat crappy, but now I'm eating a lot better. I'm not eating HEALTHY... I'm eating HEALTHIER) and I will get there. :)

 So here are the pictures... I hate showing skin... but it's the only way to really see, ya know? haha 

I just want to look like this again 

I was so skinny! It will happen. I just have to keep working out and keep up the good work and I will get there. It's hard somedays but I will do it! :D 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

15 months old!

Well, It's been 3 months since I last blogged. The last time I did it was Max's birthday, now he will be 15 months tomorrow! (Sept. 28th) It's crazy how time flies! So I guess I'll update you on our little family. :) hehe

Since his birthday, Max got his first haircut. How cute is he?! :) 

He started walking! He's now a pro walker. He was about 13 months when he officially started walking. 

He has 6 teeth and is teething more. I hate teething. It's the worst thing in the world, but he does sleep at night, and he's just really grumpy during the day so I guess I shouldn't complain too much right? ;) 

He can say ow, go, tickle, wiggle, cracker (He only said it once. Daniel told him to say it cuz he was holding it and he said it. It was adorable. He hasn't said it again but he said it so it counts. :) lol) and he said more once when Daniel was eating cereal and he gave him a bite and then he wanted more by screaming haha and Daniel said do you want more? say more and he said more. It was so cute! He can also say ball (ba) so he can say a few words! It's been so fun. 

He still hates bathtime. Still. He still screams. It's been really annoying but now I just have to laugh cuz it's ridiculous how much he hates it. I don't even put him in the bathtub and he sees the water and starts crying. I'm going to talk to his doctor about it and see what he says... I am really hoping he starts loving it soon. 

He is in size 4 diapers. We will be going to the doctor soon for his 15 month check up but at his year check up he was 21.10 pounds and 28 inches long. I'm pretty sure he's bigger than that now (At least I hope... haha) 

He goes to bed at 8:00-8:30 and wakes up at 8 the next morning. It's so amazing. haha 

He is still eating pureed food. Daniel makes the food, it's pretty cool. But, we really need to start giving him real food. He does love waffles and cereal but other than that, he's pretty picky about real food. He used to love Chicken Nuggets but now he just spits it out. So hopefully soon he will be eating real food and we won't have to make it pureed. 

He takes a 2 hour nap everyday. That's my time to exersise and be by myself... ;) lol

My mom came over a couple weeks ago and took some pictures of him and it was the cutest thing. I love that my mom loves taking pictures because it's free. ;) hehe she took a lot but I'll just share a few of my favorites. :) 

He wasn't happy about changing places so we could get more pictures. ;) Love this one. hehehe 

He's such a fun little man. I love him so much. 

As for me! I got my foot surgery on July 18th (For those that don't know I had an extra bone by my ankle and it was hurting when I was active so I was always lazy... haha so they removed it) I feel so much better but the first couple weeks I couldn't do anything so my family had to watch Max and it was not fun for both of us. We stayed at my parents for a week and a half and it was so helpful. I couldn't walk for 4 weeks so I crawled everywhere (When I didn't want to use my crutches) and I could walk in my boot the last 2 weeks. Now I can walk everywhere. :) It still hurts a little bit but it feels so much better than it was before the surgery. It's getting a lot better. I should have got it done when I was 18 and husbandless and babyless but I finally got it done and I'm glad. I can now exercise and I'm trying to lose this baby weight and my pooch. haha I am trying to lose 18 pounds and get back to the weight where I met Daniel. I've lost 1 pound so I'm getting there slowly but surely. :) I need to work on my eating and then I'm sure I'll get it... But I'm feeling a lot better so that's good!!! :D 

Daniel is doing good, he still has fibromyalgia but I'm hoping in the next couple weeks my best friend who sells plexus will be able to send us some to try (I've heard that it helps with Fibromyalgia so he's gonna try it) and help him feel better. Some days are good but some days he just doesn't feel good and it makes me sad. He's still working for LIFE, Inc. (A developmentally disabled agency) he loves working there. He is basically a babysitter. haha He's been working there for about 3 years. 

Well that's about it, Daniel and I are coming up on our 3 year wedding anniversary in a couple months. It's crazy how time flies! Hope you all are doing great!!! Thanks for reading! :D 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I have a 1 year old!

It's crazy to think that a year has passed by already. June 28th, Max turned 1! So weird! I love him so much, I just wish life would slow down! He's getting so big! He got his shots today and he did not like that at all! Sometimes I wonder where my little baby went! When people say time goes by so fast especially when you have kids, they weren't kidding! He is so much fun. I love being his mom. :) Sometimes he can push my buttons but I love having him in my life. I can't imagine it without him. Love him so much! 

For his birthday we went to the Aquarium and then the park for some lunch and cake. He didn't know what to think at first at the aquarium. But, after awhile he loved looking at all the pretty fish. :) 

He fell asleep on the way to the park. :) Who falls asleep at their own birthday party? (It didn't help that it was his nap time... but still! ;) haha 

We played for awhile and ate lunch while he took his nap, and then he opened his presents (Well I did... he had no idea what was going on. haha then cake time came! I was so excited to see if he would smash it all over his face. He didn't. lol he did get messy but not a lot. That's okay. It was easier to clean up. ;)

Overall, it was a very fun day! :) I love my 1 year old! :) 

-He is 28 inches and weighs 21.10 pounds! 
-He is in size 3 diapers but they are getting too small, so probably he will be in size 4 pretty soon in a day or 2. :) 
-He sleeps about 12 hours at night. So awesome, right?! :) I love it. I put him in his bed and he cries for about 10 minutes and then he just is quiet. The other night when I went to check on him, he had his foot up in the crib. It was adorable. My mom said that she has the exact same picture of me. I will have to find it. :) 

-He is an excellent crawler. :) 
-He is not nursing anymore. weaning him was really easy. He drinks Apple Juice and whole milk. 
-He can stand up by himself for about 10 seconds. It's awesome. 
-He can't walk just yet, but whenever we help him he loves it. He thinks he's so cool just walking around with other people. :) 
-He loves his daddy, It's the most adorable thing when he comes home and he gives this big smile. :) He is pretty awesome, if I say so myself. ;) 
-He's in 12 month clothes 
-He still hates baths, but he's getting better until I put water in his hair. He screams like I'm killing him. But I'm really not, I promise. ;) haha 

Overall, he is a great and happy baby (Well technically he's not a baby anymore. How sad.) We are so blessed to have him. I love watching him learn and grow. He's pretty great. :) 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My birthday!

So I might be the only person in the world who loves her birthday. Well, there are people who love it but seriously, I'm obsessed with it. I don't know why... lol maybe because it's the one day where I feel special by everyone. I don't know, but I love it. :) Sometimes, I think no one will write on my facebook wall or tell me happy birthday but every year there are so many people who wish me a happy birthday. I have great friends. This year 97 people wrote on my facebook wall and I got texts and messages saying happy birthday. I felt so special! But, truthfully, I have like 400 friends so 97 isn't that many If you really think about it but it's fine!!! I still have fantastic friends! 

I started my birthday watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc Mcstuffins cuddling with Max. then, I just waited for Daniel to come home from work and we went to Tucanos with my mom and dad and my little sister, Abby. Max got me a birthday card and Daniel got me a little notebook with coupons in it like camping out in the living room or an electronic free night or a 20 minute massage. He's great. :) I can't wait to camp out in the living room!!! :) 

I am now 24 years old. So crazy! next year I might have a heart attack cuz I will be 25... That just sounds old :( but, I love being a mommy and a wife. It was a good day :) 

Friday, March 28, 2014

9 months old!

Oh my goodness. Time seems like it's flying on by!! We now have a handsome 9 month old! It doesn't seem like it's been 9 months. It seems like just yesterday he was in my arms a tiny little baby now he's basically huge. ;) We went to his check up yesterday and he weighs 19 pounds, is 27.5 inches long and his head is 17 3/8 inches. He was born at 7 pounds and 10 ounches and he was just 20 inches. He's getting so big! 

-He sleeps about 9-11 hours at night. He goes to bed at 8:30 and wakes up about 7 

-This boy LOVES to eat... EXCEPT, he won't eat eggs. He doesn't like them, just like his aunt Andrea. Thanks Andrea. ;) 

-He loves snack time because he can pick up the food and eat it himself. He loves it, every time he puts a piece in his mouth he smiles and laughs like he's excited. It's basically the cutest thing ever. 

-He started crawling the other day! Yay!! He only did it like 4 steps and then just started scooting again... but hey! at least he did it! He'll be crawling in no time. :) 

-He finally got his first tooth a couple weeks ago. When he smiles it's basically the cutest smile you have ever seen. :)

-He gets stranger anxiety REALLY bad. Whenever we go places (especially my mom's) he gets REALLY clingy and cries whenever he's not near me. :) I might as well love it now before he doesn't like me anymore. ;) 

-Sometimes he DRIVES me crazy and makes me frustrated but he's the best thing that has happened to me. (Besides Daniel. :)) Love being his mommy! 

I can't believe that I became a mommy 9 months ago today. It's still crazy to me.... Sometimes I don't feel like his mom but a sister or something... is that weird? haha I love you Max Daniel. Thank you for making my life great!!! :D 

Monday, February 24, 2014

B.A.R.F (Be A Real Friend) week

So I'm not in Seminary anymore but when I was I LOVED B.A.R.F week. Now for all you non seminary people you might be wondering what the heck I'm talking about. haha don't worry it's not bad. You write notes to people in the classes and they hand them out. It stands for Be A Real Friend. When I was in Seminary and it was BARF week I always was paranoid that no one would write me. I am always self consious and no one likes me. I know. it's stupid. haha I always got about 50 notes. it was great! The other day I had a dream that everyone around me was getting their letters and I didn't even get one. I woke up really sad! haha now, ever since Max was born I have had some people not be my friend anymore and it makes me really sad  but a couple weeks ago I thought I don't need those people on my life. I have my husband and son and my family. That's all I need! but I am thankful for all the people who I do call friends. :) I just hope I'm a good friend in return. I hope I am!!!!! because having a friend is being a friend in return. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

power of "I love you"

Today is Daniel and my 3 year dating anniversary. :) I love him so much. He is my best friend. 3 years ago, he told me he loves me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I obviously said yes :) but, I didn't know if I loved him or not yet. I didn't even know how it felt yet, so I wasn't sure but I did know that I liked him a lot. About a month after we started dating, I was sitting in class or doing honework in the library (honestly I don't remember... haha) and I just felt this overwhelming feeling towards Daniel and I just knew I was in love with him. It made me so happy. I got so excited that I texted him saying "I think I love you" yes you read that right, I texted him that. I was just so excited and couldn't wait to tell him in person, but you know what? I should have waited. I shouldn't have texted him, but he says he doesn't care but as I look back on it I feel bad I texted him. haha but we're still together. :) If you love someone and you know it, DON'T do what I did and use technology to do it. TELL THEM IN PERSON. :) I am so happy that I met him and that he loves me even when I'm being difficult and annoying. :) hehe happy 3 years babe! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

7 months old!

Wow, can you believe it? 7 months old! It is so crazy! I feel like he was just born yesterday! It's so fun being his mom. I think I'm doing a pretty dang good job at it right now. :) But, I can't help but think of when he is older and there's all these shootings and swearing and all that. I'm scared he will be peer pressured into bullying or swearing all the time and being crazy. I want him to know that being married in the temple is the greatest and being married to the greatest girl for time and all eternity is the right thing. I know I still have a couple years before he goes to school and stuff but I can't help it. It's worrying me. I know this might sound dumb, but honestly I want him to know all the right things and not be pressured into doing anything wrong. Am I making sense? haha it's just worrying me that I won't do my job. lol but I'm going to pray and pray and pray. Besides, I am his mom for a reason and I'm going to make sure I do a dang good job at it until he moves out and on his own (eek) 

-He loves to sit up 

- We are working on crawling! He will be a pro soon. that's hard to believe. 

-He still loves to eat. He will eat anything (Except, we were at Sizzler the other day and I tried giving him bread pudding and I don't think he liked it by his facial expressions. :) haha) 

-He loves to jump. Thank goodness for jumpers and the exersaucer! 

-Whenever I have something in my hands he will try and grab it. He will basically grab everything. 

-He is getting better at naps. Thankfully. haha he'll only take 1 but sometimes he will take 2. 

-He gives excellent kisses. He loves to give me kisses 

-He loves giving hugs, he's a snuggler. :) 

-He loves to say mama and dada :) He loves to talk all the time but those words he says mostly. :) 

He's a great baby and Daniel and I love him so much. We are going to do our very best to teach him good things. :)