Monday, December 31, 2012

Families Can Be Together Forever

This weekend was full of Daniel's side of the family. Daniel's Aunt Wendy died December 18th in her sleep, so this weekend we took a quick trip to Idaho Falls to go to her funeral. It was such a lovely day. Well kinda. I don't like funerals, and I honestly didn't really know her all that well, but at the funeral, I got to know her so much better. She was a wonderful person and when she was born she had health problems from her birth and the doctors told the nurses to give her minimal care. He didn't think she would make it a day. The fact she made it 50 years tells me she is a fighter and that is awesome. I know that I will see her again because I know that families can be together forever because of the temple. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the best thing ever. I love it so much. Bye Aunt Wendy, I wish I could have gotten to know you more when you were alive! But, I know I will see you again. I love you 

I don't think you can see this really well, but it's the program. It was a lovely funeral. 

Before the Funeral was over the bishop of her ward read a poem that I loved. 

My first Christmas in Heaven 

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below 
with tiny light, like Heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear 
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. 
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear. 
But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas Choir up here. 
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring. 
For it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing. 
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart. 
But I am not so far away, We really aren't apart. 
So be happy for me, dear ones, You know I hold you dear. 
And be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I sent you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above. 
I sent you each a memory of my undying love.
After all, love is a gift more precious more than pure gold. 
It was always more important in the stories Jesus told. 
Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do. 
For I can't count the blessing or love he has for each of you. 
So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear, 
Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

This year Christmas was AWESOME. Daniel had to work Christmas Eve day but he got the night and all day Christmas Day off. It was so great. But he has to work for 2 days straight today through Friday. :( But I'm glad he got the day off yesterday so we could spend it together with my family. It was so fun. 

Our Christmas Tradition with my family is that we draw names and buy a present for a family member that we drew and we open those gifts on Christmas Eve. This year we got my sister Abby. We got her a Teddy bear and Victorious pajamas. We were hoping she would love them. When she opened it she saw the Teddy Bear first and she loved it and then noticed the pajamas and she loved them. Which was awesome. I'm glad we had her this year. My mom also gave an awesome presentation about Christ's birth. This quote stuck out and I love it. It's from President Uchtdorf. "What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become.” What an amazing quote right? I love it. 

Christmas day came and Daniel and I got to my parents house at 7 and my mom was the only one awake which was strange because me and my siblings woke up at 6 before I got married and moved out. But when we got there they weren't even awake yet. So we went down to wake them all up and they got up and we went to see what Santa brought. We sang Happy Birthday to Jesus then we opened our presents. Daniel wrapped a big present for me and I couldn't wait to open it and as I opened it it was a box wrapped in a box and then it got smaller and smaller and smaller until finally there was a camera. I was so excited for the camera even though he kept wrapping it up in smaller boxes to big boxes so I thought it was a big present. :) he's so silly. Then the other present he gave me was 2 pieces of Blue and Orange turf in a frame for the Boise State bathroom. :) I love him. He's so wonderful. My mom gave me my very first maternity clothes. So excited to wear them. :) I got Daniel a Boise State Sweater, a Drill and the Avengers movie. He loved them. :) We then had a yummy breakfast and went back home and took a nap. :) We were so tired. :) After our nap I didn't feel good at all and threw up (sorry for that image) :( Sometimes being pregnant is so much fun... but it will all be worth it in the end. I can't wait for this baby to come. Anyways, we went to my parents for dinner and I still wasn't feeling all that great. I ate a little bit but not a lot. We went home after dinner and Daniel put in Tangled and we watched that. :) He's so great. 

All in all, it was a great day. :) I can't wait for next year when the baby will be around 6 months (That's so weird to think!!) So I can spoil him/her. Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!!!! :D 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's officially official!! :D

Well, it's finally Facebook official. :) haha I'm really having a baby people!! I'm so excited.

We went to hear the heartbeat and had an ultrasound and when we got there, I was SO nervous. What if we weren't gonna hear the heartbeat? and I told the midwife that and she's like well do you want to start with that? and I was like yes. I do! so she put the heartbeat thing on my tummy and at first we couldn't hear it for like 5 seconds and I was so scared! and then all of a sudden a really fast heartbeat was there and Daniel and I were both so excited. 

Then she did the ultrasound. Oh my goodness that little baby that we don't even know yet is sure stealing our hearts already. He/she is so stinking cute, it kept moving and being so cute. :) Whenever it moved Daniel was like "Oh it moved! It moved again!" he was so cute. :) 

Oh, and I got a new due date. I'm not due on my sister's birthday anymore. We're bummed but I'm now due June 25th instead of June 19th. I'm still so excited. :) 

Baby Romrell, you better be ready for us. We're gonna be the best parents ever. Don't you worry. :) We love you already! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

First year anniversary!!

Well, we did it. We made it a year without killing each other. ;) just kidding. But seriously. I love that guy I'm married to. :) He's so wonderful. He loves to spoil me. :) 

About 3ish months ago he told me that he would surprise me for our anniversary so I thought okay! This is gonna be so much fun! I'm not that great with surprises because I want to know everything and by the time it got closer (about a week before) he's like "so what do you have planned???" I wanted to strangle him every time. :) I kept telling him that he better have something planned or he's gonna be in trouble. :) The day of the surprise came and he kept saying that he doesn't have anything planned. I seriously was going crazy. So we went to Sizzler for dinner (by the way.. the cashier totally thought I was a kid... which is a little weird and I don't know why... I wasn't very happy at the time, but we did save 4 bucks so I guess that's okay. :)) Then he told me that we were gonna go downtown and re enact our "firstish" date (our first first date was a dance but our unoffical first date (I don't count it as a first date... haha) was walking around BSU holding hands (we only knew each other 4 days... haha) and drinking hot chocolate so I guess that is a first date... but anyways, we drove downtown and then he turned into Taco Bell Arena and I was like what are we doing? (by this time I had a thought that he was taking me to Disney On Ice and I was getting really excited but I wasn't getting too excited just in case I was wrong) then the parking attendant was like "are you here for Disney On Ice?" and Daniel was like yep, and I was like OH MY GOSH, I FREAKING LOVE YOU!" It was sooo much fun!! I love him so much, he even thought it was good! So that's good. :) 

Sunday was our anniversary and before we went to church he gave me a pretty necklace and a cute teddy bear that I named Fred. :) Then we went to my parents house and had dinner and after we had our year old wedding cake, I was a little afraid to eat it because it's been in our freezer for a year and I've heard that people didn't like it but when I took the first bite I was so surprised it was SO GOOD! My sisters and brother helped me eat the rest. :)
It was a really good anniversary. This year has been so much fun. Sometimes we have our arguments here and there but there is no one else that I would argue with. ;) Here's to another year! and next year there will be 3 of us!! I am so excited. :)