Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dear Max

I can't wait to meet this little baby that's always wiggling around inside me. Sometimes I see my tummy moving all over and it's SUPER weird. There's actually a real baby in there!!! I'm going to be a mommy!! It's becoming more and more real every single day. Sometimes I'm ready to become a mom and other days I'm so nervous I just want him to stay in me. But, he'll come out when he's ready and if I'm ready or not. 

Dear Max Daniel Romrell:
On Tuesday, I will be 27 weeks pregnant with you, soon I will get to meet you and see your adorable face. I can't wait for that to happen and experience motherhood. Your daddy is going to be the best daddy ever. You sure like to move a lot and he gets to feel you now. We are so excited to see you. Will you have blue eyes? Green eyes? Brown eyes? Will you have my eyes that are blue and green? Whatever color they will be, you will be loved. What about your hair? Will you have lots? none at all? Will it be blonde? brown? Will you like nursing? I just hope whatever happens, you know you are loved by so many people around you and you will be so spoiled by your uncle and aunts and grandparents. I love you already and can't wait to see your cute little face when you are born. I just hope I will be a good mommy to you and can take care of you and treat you like a good mommy should. You are coming at just the right time. Beginning of summer. just barely enough for it to get hot so I won't die of heat. :) I just hope you aren't late. Please don't do that to me. :) You are so loved little Max. Daddy and I can't wait to meet you!!!

<3 Mommy 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

24 weeks

        Well everyone. We are almost at 25 weeks! I can't believe it. It's going by so fast. Max will be here before we know it. I will be a mommy soon. I can't believe it. I am sooo nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because being a mom is a huge responsibility. Will I be a good mommy? Will Daniel be a good daddy? Will we be able to take care of him? (I know we will be able to, It's just one of those questions that I ask almost every day) 

I am so excited for this little boy. I haven't even met him yet and I love him. He's been kicking me and moving more and more each day. I love it. I probably won't when I'm 8 months and ready for him to be here but right now I am enjoying it. I sang to him the other day and he stopped moving and kicking and when I stopped singing he started kicking me again. I know what I will be doing when he is crying and not calming down. I'll just sing to him! (Hopefully that will work. :) haha) 

I really want him to come either on June 16th or June 19th. June 16th is Daniel's birthday and Father's day so that would be super cute. June 19th is Hayley's birthday and it would be so fun for him to share a birthday with his aunt. :) He can also come on any day but I think it would be so fun if he came on either of those days.
I can't wait till he's here and we can play with him all day long. :) 

Love you Max! Can't wait to meet you!