Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ward mishap?

So, Daniel and I were just sitting in our house minding our own business and all of a sudden we hear a knock on our door. We were like, what the heck? Who is that? We never get company so we were kinda confused! haha so I opened the door and there was this guy standing there, and I was like uhh.. hi! He's like hi, I'm a member of the Elder's quorum in the Kuna 11th Ward, and I just wanted to say hello! We were like wait, aren't we in the 13th ward? He said that we are on the boundary of the 13th ward but are still in the 11th, so I was like well that's rude of haha anyways, so we gave him our information and found out he's a chiropracter that refers patients to my dad. So that was really cool! So anyways, we are in the Kuna 11th Ward now. :) Hopefully, it's a good ward! We'll find out next week! :) 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

One Year. :)

One year ago today Daniel and I met.:) It was a lovely story too. Click here if you don't know the best story ever or if you just want to read it again. :) hehe enjoy!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Woah, I was just thinking today and I realized that I have been married to Daniel for 6 weeks yesterday... SIX WEEKS PEOPLE! Holy moly! Life goes by really fast, you just have to embrace it and hang on! :) 

and also yesterday we've been together for 11 months... SO WEIRD! It feels like only yesterday that we just met! 

I am so glad that we met and at first he didn't want to date me. He tells me that I was too clingy... but who believes that? ;) haha but he changed his mind and he tells me that he's glad he changed his mind. :) awww. how cute. I'm glad he changed his mind too! :) 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Important day in history... well for me. :)

This is a very important day in history.... Well for me. :) Because 2 years ago today I decided to give up boys for a while. Who knew that 2 years later, I would be married? I sure didn't. 

A couple days before I decided to not like boys for a while, my crush at the time was giving me mixed signals and driving me crazy. All my other crushes never ever commented on my pictures and said "Pretty!" and then when I asked him if he wanted to come over he would say "I can't, I'm busy" It drove me insane! So I was like "okay, that's it." I wrote him a letter and said something like "Okay, I like you, but you have been giving me mixed signals ever since I've known you and it's driving me insane, no other guys that I have liked have never ever said I'm pretty or anything like that. So I would really love to be friends with you." and I sent it to his facebook inbox. 

It took him about a day to respond. I about died. I was like oh my goodness, did I make a mistake???? Is he still gonna want to be friends with me??? and finally, he responded and was like (Okay, I don't remember exactly what he said, but this is sort of what he said) "Oh my goodness, Emily, I am so sorry, That's just how I am. I am sorry that I was giving you mixed signals. I would still love to be friends with you." 

So anyways, after that happened, I told myself "Maybe I should go without guys for awhile." and 7 months later, I told my friend that I've gone 7 months and she's like "well if you make it a year, I will throw you a party!" So I made it a year, and I must say that it was the hardest year of my life. It was really hard not liking guys! haha but that's a different story. I'm so happy I went a year without a guy and had a party for it. If I didn't go a year or had a party and if Daniel didn't come to the party, I would have never met him. So it's good he was there. :)

I know I have thanked them a lot already but I want to thank my friends. JoAnna Lang for thinking the party would be a good idea, and for Austin Wood for moving to Boise that year and that Daniel was in his ward so he could bring him to the party. I love you guys!!! :)