Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I have a 1 year old!

It's crazy to think that a year has passed by already. June 28th, Max turned 1! So weird! I love him so much, I just wish life would slow down! He's getting so big! He got his shots today and he did not like that at all! Sometimes I wonder where my little baby went! When people say time goes by so fast especially when you have kids, they weren't kidding! He is so much fun. I love being his mom. :) Sometimes he can push my buttons but I love having him in my life. I can't imagine it without him. Love him so much! 

For his birthday we went to the Aquarium and then the park for some lunch and cake. He didn't know what to think at first at the aquarium. But, after awhile he loved looking at all the pretty fish. :) 

He fell asleep on the way to the park. :) Who falls asleep at their own birthday party? (It didn't help that it was his nap time... but still! ;) haha 

We played for awhile and ate lunch while he took his nap, and then he opened his presents (Well I did... he had no idea what was going on. haha then cake time came! I was so excited to see if he would smash it all over his face. He didn't. lol he did get messy but not a lot. That's okay. It was easier to clean up. ;)

Overall, it was a very fun day! :) I love my 1 year old! :) 

-He is 28 inches and weighs 21.10 pounds! 
-He is in size 3 diapers but they are getting too small, so probably he will be in size 4 pretty soon in a day or 2. :) 
-He sleeps about 12 hours at night. So awesome, right?! :) I love it. I put him in his bed and he cries for about 10 minutes and then he just is quiet. The other night when I went to check on him, he had his foot up in the crib. It was adorable. My mom said that she has the exact same picture of me. I will have to find it. :) 

-He is an excellent crawler. :) 
-He is not nursing anymore. weaning him was really easy. He drinks Apple Juice and whole milk. 
-He can stand up by himself for about 10 seconds. It's awesome. 
-He can't walk just yet, but whenever we help him he loves it. He thinks he's so cool just walking around with other people. :) 
-He loves his daddy, It's the most adorable thing when he comes home and he gives this big smile. :) He is pretty awesome, if I say so myself. ;) 
-He's in 12 month clothes 
-He still hates baths, but he's getting better until I put water in his hair. He screams like I'm killing him. But I'm really not, I promise. ;) haha 

Overall, he is a great and happy baby (Well technically he's not a baby anymore. How sad.) We are so blessed to have him. I love watching him learn and grow. He's pretty great. :)