Friday, November 7, 2014

Losing weight! :D

I have been trying to lose weight since end of August (I think August 29th, since my doctors appointment to say that I've been healed was August 27th) and since then I have lost 5 pounds, gained 1 pound (I think I am gaining muscle so I'm okay with losing a pound) but the best part? I've lost 3 INCHES!!!! I am SO excited. I never thought I would love working out so much! Sometimes I am so lazy though that I just want to sit down and do nothing but watch TV (I do it while Max is taking a nap so you moms can understand... haha) but on those days I do crunches so I'm at least still doing something. I'm so excited that I am seeing changes.

Before my surgery, I was so lazy and just sat and played with Max. It hurt to walk far places. I'm so glad I FINALLY got that extra bone out of my ankle. I still have a while to go, but I'm so glad I'm seeing changes instead of me gaining. It makes me happy. I feel like I'm dying during the workout and want to give up but then I feel good after and see that I'm losing and I am still working out. It's fun somedays! :) 

I've been thinking about showing these pictures because I don't like them... I look like I'm pregnant still. Icky, But I want to see the changes in a couple months so I will add them. It's hard looking at them, I want to be skinny and it will happen. I just have to keep working out and eating good, )which I have been doing really well. I use to eat crappy, but now I'm eating a lot better. I'm not eating HEALTHY... I'm eating HEALTHIER) and I will get there. :)

 So here are the pictures... I hate showing skin... but it's the only way to really see, ya know? haha 

I just want to look like this again 

I was so skinny! It will happen. I just have to keep working out and keep up the good work and I will get there. It's hard somedays but I will do it! :D